World wa- err the search party

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"Seriously? Guys, we are not getting anywhere" Iceland admitted to the team

"Mother Russia says south south continent" Russia stared at Arctic 

"I am not going there" Arctic argued

"You are sounding quite suspicious with the whole avoiding that place" U.S started to get suspicious "did you do something with this?"

"I WIULD NEVER!" Arctic slammed his fists on the table

"All who think we should investigate southern pole, say aye" U.K took a poll

"Aye" they all said together except Arctic 

"We pack bags, and go, it will be cold, dress warmly" Russia instructed "I am looking at you America"

"What did I do? Plus that joke will be 10x more funny if you said it to Germany, though he is not here, but it still would have been funny!" America responded to her response but she already zoned out his voice

Long story short, there was bickering, some cussing and yeah, messy.

(Greenland's point of view)

A few hours we started jist ri talk to eachother in the igloo, though it was techonaly daylight, we still get tired

"Where do you usually sleep?" I asked her "I mean, you don't have a house"

"I sleep on the ground in winter and dig a little cave in the summer" She responded

"Oh, okay, that's cool, why is Jimmy so protective of you, no wait I think I can answer that"

"Really why?"

"He think your his girlfriend" 

"Makes sense, I am a girl and I am their friend"

It hit me that she might not 100% understand what a romantic relationship is, but I just stayed silent, 

"Anyway, umm... I'm tired" She poked her two figures together

"Oh! Okay, that's fine" I stumbled a bit on my words 

I watched her lay down and take of her coat and put it away from herself

I watched her sleep for a few seconds until it hit me that that was a creepy thing to do

So I quickly went to the other side of the igloo facing away from her to lye down and sleep, 

It took awhile for me to fall asleep especially since I have a weird feeling she is still awake, but I tried to brush it off, then I few minutes later she started hugging me, still asleep mind you, so she probably was dreaming or something, but I didn't know what to do so I just hugged back awkwardly in this very awkward moment.

I noticed that she was wearing her goggles still, so I decided to try to take them off without waking her, she had very pretty eyelashes underneath, I gently set the goggles beside her, I tried my best not to wake her, I carefully and slowly put my arm on her, she did not respond much to it so I assumed I did not wake her, then I soon feel asleep.

When I woke up, I noticed that she was gone and must have grabbed her stuff too.

"Hey Antarctica?" I called as I got out of the igloo, I looked arounf "no sign of her" i said outloud

"Antarctica? Snowflakes? Penguin gal?" I continued to call out 

Then a penguin came up to me, I hope its not Jimmy

It's Jimmy

"I am guessing your mad because you think I am flirting with your girlfriend, penguin" I said to Jimmy but instead of anger he just tried to drag me to a place near the water

Countryhumans Antarctica x Greenland Frozen heartsWhere stories live. Discover now