My friend.

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(Still Greenland's point of view)

"And this one goes here" she instructed even though I already knew it, but it was more like she was instructing herself 

"Steady, steady!" We spoke in unison as we put the top on

"Nice!" We high five eachother for our accomplishment

"Vi gjorde det!" I exclaimed, Snowflakes did a weird way to clap, but I just overlooked at just her being herself.

"So... what you want to do now?"  I asked her

(Antarctica point of view)

"What do want to do now?" Greenland said to me, I just shrugged, then turn to the penguin at my foot, so obviously I asked the penguin's opinion in penguin speak

"So, Daphne, got any ideas on fun things to do?" I asked Daphne the penguin in penguin talk, which I should give a name to, Penguinese? Penguinish? Birdlanic? I'll come back to that

"Who is this guy?" I assumed that she was talking about Greenland who is probably wondering what I am saying.

"That's my friend, Greenland" I responded, I saw Greenland lean over to see what was going on

"What type of penguin is he?" Daphne waddled to Greenland and then faced me

"He's not a penguin, now let's go back to my question, do have an idea on what to do?" I repeated my question

"Explore, you been almost everywhere but he hasn't" 

"Good idea!" I said in my own language 

"What's a good idea?" Greenland asked me "it's not anything to do with Jimmy, right? Because he doesn't like me one bit" 

"Nope! We go exploring and then come back!" I explained what we are going to be doing

"What if we get lost?" Greenland pointed out

"I know 98% of this place like the back of my hand" she boasted

"What is that other 2 percent?" Greenland asked me, which I knew was going to

I grabbed his wrist which he adjusted it to me holding his hand, I thought nothing of it and just ran a bit intill I reached a cave, well I think it is cave, I dug out the entrance a bit 

"That doesn't look safe" Greenland stated

"That's why I haven't went down there yet"  I stood up from my crouching position and smiled.

I really wanted to hug him but I did not want him to think it was weird.

So I asked him, it was kinda weird to ask someone you did not know for long for a hug but it just seemed needed "this a weird out of the blue question but, um, can I have a hug?" I cringed at my own question, it was a very odd thing to ask 

"Uhh.." Greenland stood there for 6 seconds and then shrugged and then hugged me, I hugged back, it's nice to hug something that can hug back

"Ok so.." he looked around "what if we wander over there? That seems 10 times more safe then going down there" he smiled awkwardly but I just out of instinct smiled back

"Okay! Let's wander over there, and maybe come across something? Probably not, but hey, who knows maybe I find something I built but forgot about it!" so I skipped along the snow with out a care in the world

(No one's point of view)

"So, Greenland umm... since this is not your home, you be returning to there, correct?" Antarctica assumed

Countryhumans Antarctica x Greenland Frozen heartsWhere stories live. Discover now