A few unfortunate events

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(Greenland's point of view)

I was so busy staring at Snowflakes threw the window that I didn't notice Faroe trying to get my attention

"Greenland! It's cute and all that you love her so much but, can you pay attention!" Faroe shook me to snap me out of it

"Oh, yeah, sorry Faroe" I apologized to him as a turned to face him.

(Time skip a few days)

I woke up, and looked at the calendar

Today was the day, I will take her to see the northern lights,  and while I'm at it show her a polar bear!

I opened the door and walked to the guest bedroom and I knocked it softly so incase she was still asleep.

"I am kinda homesick" I heard her say behind the door, my shoulders dropped and I frowned, with my hand still on the door

"Can you stay and let me show you somethings?" I asked through the door

"I am homesick"  she said again, I scaned the area for something to make her feel better, or for a thought to come to my head.

"I love you, but, I miss my home" Antarctica seemed upset, this made me sad aswell, I don't want her to be sad.

I heard a key unlocking the front door, it spooked me, untill I remembered I gave Faroe and Arctic a key to the house. It was Arctic who was at the door

"What's the matter Greenland?" Arctic came up to me actually showing genuine concern 

"She's homesick and I don't know what to do to help her" I responded, Arctic wiggled the door handle.

It was locked

"Hey, Antarctica, do you mind  to atleast opening the door for your brother?" I asked 

"What's the point?" Antarctica responded "we are all dying, and there is nothing we can do about it" she seemed very serious and stern in her words.

"Are you melting?"I asked 

"..." Antarctica answered with silence 

"Silence is always an vaild answer" Arctic stated

"Not helping, Arctic" I snapped at him

"I know" Arctic shrugged 

"Are you going to be alright?" I asked


"You're worrying me..."


"Snowflakes, can you atleast say something so I know you're not dead in there?"


"Antarctica, I am serious, I will bust down this door if you don't respond!" 


Me and Arctic stared at eachother 

"I'll find something to pry the door open with, you can try to pick the lock if you want to!"  I said as a went around to look for a crowbar or maybe a screwdriver to screw the door handle off

"I don't know how to pick locks!" Arctic yelled as he bashed the door and quickly sat out words "silence can be vaild, but it's not always a good answer! Antarctica! Say something! Please! I don't want you to be dead in there!" Arctic tugged on the door handle hard as he could and punched the door

"Found it!" I grabbed the crowbar and pryed off the door it wasn't easy but with teamwork with me and Arctic we were able to break the door down.

She was lying on the floor, I freaked out and rushed to her, she was cracked all over her body and face and dripping a bit, "oh god, oh god, oh god!" I started to panic "Arctic! Turn down the thermostat!" I quickly instructed, he did it no questions asked.

Countryhumans Antarctica x Greenland Frozen heartsWhere stories live. Discover now