A temporary departure

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"I can't believe that you guys were spying on us!" Greenland told them off after his date was over 

"Sorry..." Faroe mumbled as he traced circles with his foot

After a bit of scolding, Greenland decided to maybe try to teach Antarctica to drive

"Hey Snowflakes, I am going to teach you how to operate a car!" Greenland announced 

"Cool!" Antarctica smiled "what's a car?"

(Time skip) 

"What's that strange animal?" Antarctica pointed at the car "is it another bear?"

Greenland bursted out laughing and Antarctica was just staring at him, 

She was very confused, on why he was laughing

"It's a car!" Greenland managed to finally say after laughing his head off, but he continued to laugh afterwards

"Oh!" Antarctica waved at the front of the car, mistakenly taking the headlights as eyes, "huh, they are not responding..." Antarctica noticed and then called to Greenland, "Greenland, I think this car is dead!"

"It's not alive!" Greenland.respondee slas still laughing 

"Oh" Antarctica felt kinda dumb at saying that

(A bunch of explaining later)



"Did I do that right?" Antarctica asked Greenland quite clamly



The car was flipped over

"No." Greenland replied very quickly

"Oh.." Antarctica unbuckled herself and got out of the flipped car, like absolutely nothing happened.

Greenland decided to take a break after that experience and soon as he regained his senses Antarctica came up to him, kind of upset,

"When can I go home?" Antarctica asked

"I can take you now!" Arctic quickly offered as he jumped in the conversation 

"Seriously?" Greenland deadpanned at Arctic then Greenland expression turned to annoyance straight after

"I want to go home..." Antarctica started to clutch her arms

"But.." Greenland mind was going though a million thoughts "fine, it's what you want, but I can still visit right?" Greenland eyes went wide "and I can visit you?"

"I would like that but.." she trailed off 

"But what?" Greenland looked like he might cry

"Part of me.." she tucked her head in her jacket "misses my isolation"

Greenland's heart dropped and he started to stumble backwards "but..."

Antarctica hugged him tightly and whispered in his ear,

"I love you" Antarctica gave Greenland a long hug

"You're not leaving forever right?" Greenland started to tear up

"No, I'll always will be there for you and you will do the same," Antarctica broke away from the hug "and I want to go home, and you can't stop that" she put her hand on Greenland's face

Greenland felt empty after that..

"We are still boyfriend and girlfriend, I just want to see my home again" Antarctica added to her 'goodbye for now' speech

Countryhumans Antarctica x Greenland Frozen heartsWhere stories live. Discover now