6: Work's Early

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...Back then, I wasn't afraid for us. I don't know why. I didn't have almost any of the skills I have now. But I didn't want to think about why I felt that way. So I ended up closing my eyes and my heart. That's how I ended up in this situation...

It was nearly four in the morning as he dragged his feet into a deserted house in the slums. From the outside, it looked completely abandoned. Inside however, it was well decorated with trinkets and cloths that he had brought here.

Kidou suppressed the urge to yell out and walked into the bedroom. It was a stretch to call this room a bedroom, but the floor was covered with layer upon layer of soft cloth, so it did resemble a bed somewhat.

He took his shoes off at the edge of the pile and began crawling over to the rising and falling mound in the middle. Then, he dove beneath the cloths and pressed his cold hands upon the warm, open skin he found.

"AHGG!" You made a noise of surprise as you jumped from the cold.

Blinking your eyes as you adjusted to the light, you scowled as you recognized the face next to you.

It was, however, too dark to sign. So you wrote on his palm with your finger.


Kidou's body vibrated with laughter. Carefully he took your hand and wrote back.

Tired. Work's early. Missed you.

Me? Or teasing?


Sleep. Work's early. You smacked his chest, but quickly cuddled close to absorb the heat.

And Kidou was a great source of heat, especially when your body drew close to his and made his body flush red with desire and embarrassment.

Pushing these emotions down was how he ended up in this exact spot. Unable to confess his feelings to a woman he'd known his whole life and spent his whole life protecting. Hell, he couldn't even bring himself to take you around town with him. You wouldn't be able to hear the awful words people said about exterminators, or even him personally, but you would definitely get the gist of it. And he didn't think he could handle your opinion of him turning sour.

As he rested his chin on your head, his fingers rubbed against your bare arm.

She still sleeps in my old clothes... maybe I should buy her new pajamas... not that anyone but me sees them.

Thoughts of this and others like it drifted around his head until finally the darkness of the slums and the hum of cicadas finally brought him into sleep.

Cagaster of an Insect Cage: The Before Times (Kidou x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now