25: Thank You

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He swayed as he held you, reveling in the sensation he had missed out so much on. The feeling of declared love."Ilie... did you not think that you might be killed by that bug bastard? You're not so stupid that you didn't understand the situation that you were in, right? So why did you do such a thing?"

"Hmm... I don't really know. I just did it before I realized what I was doing... You know, at one point, I thought it'd be fine if I were dead. The day my dad died and you found me. I felt like I was alone in the world and I was afraid and wanted to run away from everything...," she turned around and spoke to the wind, for a moment, until Kidou reminded her to face you to talk. "Oh! But of course, I don't feel that way now. Mister Mario, Jin, Al, Naji, Lizzie, they're all there for me! Because I lived, I was able to meet them!" She took a step closer to Kidou, "And you too, Kidou. Thanks to them, I can feel that I'm glad to be alive. I wanted to be alive... with you" He hand rested on his chest, despite your body being just inches away. "Does that answer your question?"

Kidou looked at the hand, looked at Ilie and then looked at you. Ilie said his name again and then he retaliated. He bonked her in the head, causing her to pull her hand back. "Seriously? If you really are glad to be alive, don't do that ever again. The reason you're alive is because you got lucky. You won't be so lucky next time. Remember that." Ilie sighed and looked away. "But... I'm alive because you did something reckless. I do appreciate that. So, thank you."

Kidou... it's getting dark... can we go back to the hotel? Have more fun? You then dragged your fingers down his chest.

"WE'RE GOING BACK!" Kidou suddenly shouted and signed, pulling you to the front seat of the car. After the taste of pleasure from last night, he certainly was eager for this next night. As he drove quickly back to the hotel, deposited Ilie in her room and dragged you into his, he signed quickly. That place is always beautiful to see. Thank you for recommending that we stop.

Of course, I remember when we visited it the first time. We needed the money and it was quick to just chisel off a few. I'm surprised you didn't want to take any.

I knew that you would grab some. He chuckled. Didn't you?

You laughed loudly back at him and showed him the pieces in your pocket. Kidou knew you so well. How could he not? Having grown up with and spent the vast majority of his time with you, it was as if you were fully imprinted on his brain and heart. Despite his flaws, his desire to fully shelter you from the horrifying world of cagasters, you so easily loved him back. And throughout the evening, you demonstrated this love.

AN: End of book one! This is halfway through the manga, and a perfect place to rest for now.

Cagaster of an Insect Cage: The Before Times (Kidou x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now