3: Ilie

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"You're seriously calling me insane?" Jin brought Kidou back into the moment. "Your job isn't exactly for sane people either, you know. Do you realize that, Mister Exterminator?"

He was already bored of this mission. He had other, more exciting, things to do.

"Whatever." He grumbled.

"The bugs eat humans and then I, Jin-chan, pick up the leftovers! And you as the exterminator escort me... This isn't insanity, it's simple economics! Don't you think--" Jin waltzed down a crevasse. "K-KIDOU!"

"What?" Kidou jumped down. "Did Karma finally catch up with you for looting graves?"

"S-S-Someone is still alive in that car!"

Kidou rushed to the scene of a bloodied man and an unconscious girl.

"He's been attacked by a bug. He's not gonna make it." Kidou reported out.

"You're so blunt..."

"P-Please..." The bloodied man begged.

"What is it? If you've got any last words, spit them out."

"Kidou-chan! Have some compassion!"

"Please... take Ilie... to Tania... her mother..." The dying man reached a hand out.

"Kidou-chan, you shouldn't get yourself involved in something like this. It's not like picking up a stray dog or cat... This is a real hassle..." Jin whispered.

"Got it." Kidou shook the hand gently. "I'll take care of your daughter. You can rest in peace."

And with that, he let go of the now perished man, and lifted up the young girl. She stirred and within a few steps was awake.


"Little miss! Calm down! We're near the cage, so if you make too much noise..." Jin whispered again, with urgency.

"LET ME DOWN! MY DAD IS HURT!!" She screamed.

"He was attacked by a bug. He's already dead." Kidou responded in the only way he knew how: bluntly.

"Dad..." Ilie wiggled her way out of his grip and began running back towards the man who was apparently her father. But Kidou was faster and soon had her wrist in a death grip.

"What good will clinging on to a dead body do? Get over here!" He pulled at her arm, hoping to persuade her.

"NO! We can't leave him here! I'm fine! Let me--" Ilie was interrupted by a smack to the face.

"Hey!" Jin confronted the attacker. "You didn't have to hit her!"

Kidou figured Jin was right. He tended to choose the fastest and easiest solutions to problems, instead of more agreeable ones.

"It was your father's dying wish. I'll help you until you find your mother. But if you can't even take care of yourself, there's no saving you. If you have no will to live, then just die here. Save us the hassle."

Ilie paused for a few moments. Despite the harshness of the words, there was something to them. So with that said, she stood up, said good-bye to her father and followed the two strange men into their car.

Jin handed her an ice pack to soothe her physical pain. But nothing could soothe the emotional pain. So, she began to bawl.

Cagaster of an Insect Cage: The Before Times (Kidou x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now