32. The meeting.

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They all turned their heads towards the door and there stood the goddess once again she had seemed to had changed her clothing once again. She now sported a blue bellyshirt and a short lavender skirt. She wore knee length baby blue socks and she wore a black scarf wrapped around her neck semi-tightly. 

"Greetings once agian" she said her voice was no w soothing as she sat on the white swivel chair giving a swirl for a dramatic effect. "Hello foreigners and welcome to  the pholectra kingdom, I am Ilizaru goddess of phycopathy ,queen of violence, destruction, pain and chaos I'd like to welcome you um... " "Sanses?" Dust finished. "Yes well, your co-worker cross is very powerful,as she is a goddess now herself now that she has unlocked her full potential, soon she will control storylines and designs for AUs and she will be able to Overwrite AU or character she wants to " Illizaru said as she folded her hands on the table. "So what your saying is that cross could write us out of existence forever if she wanted to" Horror asks. "Yes" She replied. "I and her father are crucial in receiving her powers" she added putting her  going to feed me power"Cross said uncertainly. "Boosically " Illizaru said nonchalantly.            "  w-wow this is a lot to take in sorry" Cross sighed. "Nah it's gud" Illizaru coped now brushing her tail. "Not to be offending or anything but Jesus it's only been an hour and you've done so much shit" Fell said amused. "I'm dying to take a shower" she said brushing her tail smoothly . "Welp beings from the beyond You shall be shown to your rooms for the night.

Two guards walked into the room, who would usher them to their dweling place for the night

"Mighty Night"Illizaru said stretching


Hey Its been a while hasn't it here it is your chapter. The book is coming to an end soon so prepare I guess.

love y'all thanks for still reading this if you do. 


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