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Crowd's POV 

The ground shook and rumbled I tried to get up but I just kept falling down I felt like I was writing a tidal wave (hehehe you might be riding something else Crossy mah friend XD) Then a demonic laughter filled my ears It shook the void within force I thought it would all crumble beneath us. Everyone seemed to be trying to open portals but the signal was blocked. Then Red and black mist appeared in the middle of us and the ground stopped shaking. The laughter grew more human until a figure emerged from the mist.

Oh shit.

I had almost forgotten about the restless, hostile God that possessed this viod and the fact it was dangerous and that we could all die! Oh well I wouldn't but I don't want to lose my friends Dream and ink could kiss ass but I would save blue.

Anyways the woman emerged out of the mist. She wore a red  jacket and had short cut basketball shorts, pantyhose (LOOK IT UP) and high heeled converse she had long white hair, white wolf ears  and red and black striped scarf but the scariest thing about her were her eyes. they were just a black viod with red pupils and blood was streaming out of her sockets but it never stained her clothes nor touched the ground she had a wide smile on her face and had a  bunny mask (anime style) on the side of her head. Whoa honestly she looked awesome.

"WOW" she said. Her voice was very glichy   

 " Who  are  you!! " ink yelled,standing up on his feet he summoned his toothbrush and aimed it at her. She held her staff and a bright rainbow soul appeared on the top she smacked the staff on the ground and ink crippled over in pain I could've sworn I heard some bones crack.


She sucked her teeth. Did I mention she had Carmel skin  (Ghetto?). "Anyways as I was saying before rainbow wad interupted , WOW......That was the worst fight I had ever seen, y'all suck" she insulted. BITCH EXCUSE ME YOU HAVE UNLIMITED MOTHERFUCKING. DICK ASS POWER OVER HERE NIGGA!. "Yes I do have unlimited power but that doesn't mean I need my staff like a MOTHERFUCKING crippled rainbow and Star butterfly over there if that answers your question Crossy ". She said. WAit what! She can read my thoughts. Oh no..

"Well I've been expecting y'all beans well at least the bad senses and Mr. Innocent blueberry y'all two I might just have "fun" when I'm feeling for it. After all Being the literal fucking goddess of psychopathy I mean HA IT'S MAH JOB! " She said. "You don't look like one" Dream commented " Oh I am See what I did to rainbow wad Honestly I'll just eat the Apple of a soul you have there" she cooed. (Nothing dirty I SWEAR EVEN THO I'M THINKING IT) "FrEAK YOUR NO GOD! YOUR JUST AN ERROR! " Dream said. "OH SHUT UP BABY DICK ASS NIGGA I GOT AN ACTUAL JOB! " She slurred back. "What are you gonna do with us?, Nightmare asked. "Well since your bad guys and shit your guests now." She replied her staff glows red and two girls dressed in armor appear on each side. "Cori take the bad senses plus blueberry to the castle and give them rooms. And Yola bring killer rainbow and Dream to the dungeon do what you wish I'll deal with them later" she said nicely. OKAY NO Shit why is she so nice the other gods warned me she would obliterate us on the spot but she's offering us a place to stay.

"OH and also Cross U need to talk to you when you get back darlin'" she added before spoofing away in her black and red mist. Which left us with the female guards.

blue was  walked over by Cori who was taking us "why was I sparred?" Blue asked. " Cause author Chan loves fluffy berry " Cori suddenly blurted out. "What" I asked " nothing hehehehe" he said "C'mon let's go" she said waving to Yola  and making a dark blue portal around us. Oh God I NEED FOOD


Done I WILL NOT DISCOUNTINUE WE HAVE COM E TO FAR SORRY FOR SPELLING AND CUSSING. I'M USING MY IPAD at least this chapter is extra long also should I do A lemon in the future?

768 words

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