3.The battle Part 1.

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(This song is funny sorry if its racist)

Cross's POV

We know our job I feel bad though to kill everyone. Well pasifist timelines don't deserve to be happy either if I can't have my world and friends they can't either. We apear in the middle of snowdin. We all start killing monsters. All except Pandini she just stands there eyes blank I noticed they are a black void.We all stop and stare trying to warn Nightmare is watching she stands there a sadistic smile on her face. All of a sudden a bone flys past me barely missing my head We turn around to see Stretch (US papyrus) "hey, you what do ya think your doing, killing all these innocent people," his eyes flair Orange "well in the meantime I guess I can keep you busy my bro and his buddies will be here soon,". He creates a giant gaster blasterand aims it at us and fires we all jump out the way just in time. Pandini runs towards him, her weapon turning into an axe she swings barely missing she dodges his attacks like a pro I run towards him too the others use their attacks all of them Stretch dodges. Barely. Pandini tries again this time her weapon changing into a hammer this time she hits himhe flys into the air crashing into the snowdin inn she uses blue magic. To lift him. ??? What? Only a skeleton can use blue magic that doesn't make sense. Her eyes are still black and she is still smiling she drops him. "Hey, kid you don't have to be like this my bro believes even the worst lerson can change I know your better," papyrus says to her. "Maybe your just upset, did you lose something?" He asks. She isn't smiling anymore she is expressionless black goop streaming down her face she looked like killer "come on, you don't have to-". He stops the axe straight through him red soaking the white fluffy snow. "Heh". "I am. Not. A. Kid. I. Am.Not. weak. You don't know who I am you don't and will never understand. Just shut up. Already I am tired of everyone thinking I am a child I am 21 years old!!. And If you want to say that again I will make you suffer over and over and over," she yelled  summoning a button.. that button.....No.No.....No...Tears started to stream down my face I was suddenly crying. Pandini looked over at me and it disapeered her eyes were now black and had red pupils in the center "rest in peace papyrus"she whispered. Papyrus turned into dust she walled over to me. "Master are you-" I hit her she flew into the shop the others looked at me suprized about my sudden behavior. She stood up her eyes black again she looked blank and very creepy. I hear sobbing We see the star sanses Blue sobbing of her brother. "You will Not destroy this AU so leave we know all your attacks You barely win so surrender," Ink shouts  "was that supposed to be a threat" A familair voice, Nightmare's voice "Brother!" Dream shouts turning her staff into a bow and arrow. "Stop this now you are harming innocent people, why are you doing this," "why everybody harmed me for doing nothing wrong did ya?".  Silence. "Well little sis today is your lucky day, I brought a suprize today since, you can defeat the others, I brought a new member, you can't beat her,". He says Pandini stepping to his side. She gliches I back up to the others " Is ShE GLichInG? "Error says
"Well Error you'd have a new friend," Dust whispers back "ShUt Up". "Heya cross why did you do that" killer asks.
"...... bad memories....." I say
Bad ,bad memories

Nightmare's POV

  So many negitive feelings coming from cross, 'pandini' so much....power..Swap sans is sobbing over her big brother...Time to introduce my new toy...."My little toy right here would love to make your day......dusty," I point to pandini they are all in their battle stances swap looks like she is gonna murder me... "well enjoy" I say and disapear leaving her to. Her job.....

Well there you have it
Thank you for reading that is part 1
Who is pandini ? What is her and nightmare's Connection ?
Please share this and stuff comments and suggest things to so umm.......yeah ....
Bye my friends
Hoi guys please follow -queenaesthetic. AND READ HER BOOK THE ONE? IT'S SO AMAZING!
Word count 750

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