14: Training

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I've been here for 4 months only two more till I can go home. I've learned so much I've met two new goddeses Nightlight and Starlight sumular to dream and nightmare but Nightlight wears a dark blue mixed with some black and wears a skirt to her knees and knee high socks with flat blue shoes. Most of the time I see her with a book she isnt corrupted, Unlike her sister dream who is pretty much emotionless she tries to feel but to her her emotions are akward. I was Told when the two sister were teens Was when Dream got trapped in the stone prision she was gonna free him but dreams soul would be weak so Starlight wanted to sacrifice hers but nightlight said no but star did it anyways causing dream to be freed and strong but for her she is Emotionless has a short tearm memory and is souless but I have managed to make friends I learned to play turf war with the two alex and Crash Chan they are splatoon characters in real life.

Today I'm supposed to be training with Ruby shes so adorable and innocent looking and smol but I thought twice as I got hit in the nuts when I zonned out luckily I bounced back Damn bunnies kick like kanngoros she summons a bammbo staff I position my knife in a postion like a sheild I charge and swing she leans back with ease I decide not to waste my energy and use my magic to pick her up and  hitting her all over the place then dropling her to catch her breath she stands up And starts to growl at me her growl getring deeper as she starts to transform in a giant Anamatronic bunny. Her stomp shudders the ground  but I hold my ground its best to not use my magic now she takes off her bow near her neck and throws it at me flinging around and  dodge it barely missing  my head (OooF) I charge towards her my knife pointed straight I aim looking like im about to swing she blocks but I dont hit she puts down the block then I attack sending her tumbling backwards she fell back the metal Making A CRASH!! As it hit the floor she changed back out of breath I helped her up and warmly smiled "good battle" "thanks you too" she says shaking my hand "UGH how did I fall for that one?!" She questioned to nobidy "dont worry ruby your just starting to learn to transform like your dad does" I respond "I guess, I dont want you to leave in

Thats all so sorry it sucks I just wanted to give to you guys

Bye yall sorry for wasting your time welp

Word count 470

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