The bell rang, pulling me abruptly from my thoughts. I looked down at my paper. Half of the questions were unanswered.

"Last call! Turn in your papers now," Mr. Lenn said.

I rushed to the front of the classroom, handing him my test. I would have cared, but I was too busy imagining what would happen. I was going to go to the cafeteria. I could get laughed out of there by everyone.

I took a deep breath, put on my backpack, and walked into the hallway with Marisol.

"Do you know what you're gonna say?" She asked me.

I maneuvered around students walking through the hall. I had been pondering what my apology would be like all day. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't come up with anything good enough. "No, I'm just gonna wing it," I said.

Marisol laughed. She was so pretty when she laughed. "I never thought of you as a winging-it type."

"I'm not, usually." I looked at her. "But I've been in a throwing-caution-to-the-wind mood lately."

Marisol grinned. "It suits you."

I blushed the rest of the way to the lunchroom.

When we got there, Marisol grabbed my hands and pulled me to the table. There were my old friends. Jessica, Kate, Sarah... and there was Ashlynn.

"Hey guys!" Marisol said. "This is Penny."

Jessica laughed. "We know." She looked at me. "Hey Penelope."

"Long time no see," Kate added.

I laughed. "You could say that."

"So what's up?" Sarah asked.

Wow. They were being nice. Like nothing happened.

"Uh..." I stammered. "I..." Damn, I should have planned what I was going to say. "I'm a bitch," I blurted.

Jessica burst out laughing. "We knew that."

I went red.

"So is that what you came to tell us?" Sarah asked.

"Well, that and... I'm sorry."

Kate raised an eyebrow. "You're sorry now?"

"Uh... yeah?"

Sarah laughed. "It's been years. We're kinda over it."

I sighed, rubbing my temple. "I should have apologised sooner. I just..." I glanced at Marisol. "I've had an epiphany recently."

Jessica giggled. "Marisol, you really bring out the best in everyone, huh?"

"That's why we love her," Kate said.

I felt a twinge in my gut, but tried to ignore it.

"So yeah, do you guys forgive me?"

"Sure," Jessica said. Sarah nodded.

"No duh," Kate said.

We all looked at Ashlynn. She shifted uncomfortably, then got up from the table.

"I... have to go to the bathroom. I'll be right back," she said, then left the cafeteria.

Why did this always happen.

"Me too," I said, and ran after her.

I caught up to her in the hallway and tugged her shoulder. "Ashlynn--"

She spun around. "You know, we were best friends, right? Sure, we were a group, but you were my best friend. You threw that away, and then mocked me for something I told you. I trusted you, and you threw away that trust. That hurt." She tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. "Yeah, I'm over it, but I don't trust you."

I looked down at the tiled floor. It was silent in the hallway. "I deserve that. I know I hurt your feelings. In reality, it was mostly because I was..." I paused, not knowing if I should say it.

Ashlynn raised an eyebrow.

"I was insecure. I was a stupid kid, and I know that's no excuse. I wasn't confident, I was too harsh on myself. So I projected that onto others. And I'm really sorry. I've recently realized how stupid I am, and I was wondering if you'd give me a second chance...?"

Ashlynn sighed. "It takes guts coming back to us and apologising two years after something happened."

My ears turned pink.

"If I'm being honest, I still don't trust you. But, I think I'd be okay if you sat at our lunch table. Just don't be upset if I tell Jessica a secret and not you or something--"

I squeezed Ashlynn into a hug. "Thank you so much."

She laughed, and then hugged back. "So are we gonna get lunch or what?"

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