Part 57

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We're back from the hospital, all three of us. We're getting used to this new routine and all the changes. It's been a couple of weeks since we got back, the world knows about Erryn's birth since we both posted a picture of her tiny hand online. My family stayed with us the first few days to help us both with the first responsibilities. Of course we have help by staff but we try to make most things ourselves. Robert has to attend interviews and photoshootings frequently and I mostly stay at home.

He always speaks about us with so much love and I absolutely love the smile on his lips every time someone mentions me and our daughter during an interview. I've always wanted a husband who cares and loves me but I never imagined my fantasies would come out so true.

I hear Robert returning home and I go over to the door to see him. He immediately smiles and hugs me softly. He's only been gone for a couple of hours but they're enough for me to miss him.

"Did I miss anything?" he asks.

"No, she's been sleeping ever since you left" I stay between his arms, loving the feeling of them around me.

"How about you? Are you tired?"

"I'm fine, these three final hours of sleep in a row we had last night without an interruption turned out to be really helpful" I chuckle.

"Should we go wake her up? If I'm not mistaken it's around time for her feeding" he says after checking his clock.

"Yes, come on" I say and we go upstairs together.

We quietly open the door of her room and see her sleeping inside her crib. We approach her and stand outside it just looking at her. It's the sweetest sight. Her dressed in her pink onesie and covered with a pink blanket. Robert stretches his arms and carefully picks her up. His one hand holds her steady against his chest and the other is placed behind her head. She whines a little and Robert moves her up and down to relax her.

"Daddy's back, don't cry. Aren't you happy to see me?" he whispers and kisses her forehead.

"I think she's crying because she's hungry. Of course she's happy to see you" I reply and caress his back.

"This must be it" he says smiling proudly.

We go to the bedroom and sit down with our backs against the headboard. I get ready to breastfeed her and Robert holds her until I'm ready. He hands her to me and I position her correctly.

"I see you have no problem breastfeeding anymore. I remember it was still painful a few days back"

"It still hurts a little sometimes, but we're getting better at it"

When we're done I hold her in my arms for a minute and then she's all cheerful. She moves her tiny arms in the air and makes sounds that we want to believe are ways to express her happiness. It will take months until she actually laughs out loud so we try to understand these small sounds to find out how she's feeling.

"I've never in my life seen a baby as beautiful as her" Robert says with his proud dad smile on his face.

It's a different kind of smile that I call dad smile because it only appears when he's talking to Erryn or when he's looking at her. His whole face is glowing, his eyes are sparkling and you can tell he's feeling overwhelmed.

"She's gorgeous, that's the truth" I place a soft kiss on her back as Robert holds her.

"Just like her mother" he says with the familiar proud grin and leans in to kiss me.

"Her father is a pretty handsome man as well" I compliment him and he nods in agreement.

"Yes, he is" he laughs and then makes a weird face.
"Do you smell that?" he asks.

"It's time for a diaper change" I laugh at his reaction.
"Give her to me" I open my arms to take her but he stays still.

"You know what? I think it's my time to do this" he says looking at Erryn.

"Are you sure?" I'm having second thoughts about his confidence.

"We both saw the videos and your mother showed us both how it's done. I don't see why I can't do this. If I want to be world's best dad I have to change some diapers" he smiles at her.

"Okay. Let's see what you got" I laugh and we go to Erryn's room where we have the diapers.

Robert lies her down on the stand and removes her onesie first. The dirty diaper follows and his face turns to pure disgust when he has to throw it away.

"You dirty little princess" he says trying to avoid cursing and I laugh.

He gets some tissues to clean her up and then tries to put on the new diaper. He struggles at first and he can't find how to make it stay and not fall when he picks Erryn up.

"What am I doing wrong?" he hisses confused with why his way is not working out.

"This is supposed to go here" I say and show him a mistake he made.

He follows my lead and then it's all ready. He picks her up and the diaper doesn't fall. He gets excited and then puts her onesie back on. He picks her up in his arms and looks at her truly thrilled by his action.

"Am I the best dad ever or what?" his pure smile excites me too.

"Yes, you are. She's very lucky to have a dad like you" I smile.

"She's very lucky to have us for parents. We're going to spoil you so much" he continues looking straight into her eyes.

"We should be careful about that though. With your reputation rising by the day and all the money coming in we could easily spoil her too much. I don't want her taking everything for granted" I say concerned.

"You're right, I'll do my best not to spoil her too much. I'll be firm, I can be firm, right?" he looks at me with a serious look.

"You're so going to be a pushover dad" I laugh thinking about it.

"I can't say no to those eyes" he defends himself and spins Erryn around.

"Be careful with the spinning around, I just fed her" I say and he stops to hold her carefully.

"You're right, I'm so sorry"

"It's fine. I'm going to lie down for a while, will you join me?"

"I'll be right behind you, I'll just stay here a little bit longer, okay?" he asks and I nod.

I take a moment to look and appreciate what I have in front of me. My husband who loves me and our daughter more than anything and my daughter who taught me a new kind of love. I smile to myself and kiss them both before leaving the room.

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