Part 32

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It's been two more days, me and Robert are great and we're ready to attend a party to celebrate the completion of the movie. It's a private party, with the people who worked on the movie and their dates which means there will be familiar faces. We're wearing matching black silk outfits and I have to admit we look amazing together.

We arrive at the party and there are already many people inside. Robert's hand is always on my waist and mine is on his. Every person we see congratulates us on our engagement and we thank all of them. We expected that after Robert posted the picture of me with the caption She said yes!.

I'm standing next to Robert waiting for him to finish his conversation with some people that I've never seen before when I feel another hand on my shoulders. I turn to my left to see who it is and see it's Gwyneth. I greet her and when Robert's done he turns to us.

"Congratulations! I knew things would work out between you two. I'm so happy for you" she says smiling.

"Thank you! I'm sorry for not calling you to share the news and you had to find out like that but Robert was very impatient"

"Oh, it's fine, don't worry. So how are you proceeding everything?" she asks Robert.

"I've been married before, I'm prepared. That's a better question for Allyson" he replies casually, he still hasn't completely forgiven Gwyneth.

"What about the-"

"Robert, how about you go get the drinks?" I interrupt Gwyneth understanding she's about to tell him about the pregnancy.

"Yeah, of course. What do you want me to bring you?"

"Just a soda, I don't really want to drink"

"Are you sure? Not even one drink? I promise I'll only drink one myself"

"No, it's fine. You go ahead and get whatever you like"

"Okay, I'll be right back" he says and we both smile.

When he's as far away as needed to not hear us Gwyneth looks at me with a confused look and whispers.

"You haven't told him about the pregnancy yet?"

"No" I sigh and she gives me a judgemental look.

"I want to but he's so happy and I can't ruin that"

"Allyson, he needs to know. You can't hide that forever"

"You think I don't know that? It's just that I haven't made my mind up about it yet. How are we supposed to make a decision when I don't even know what I want?" I ask desperately.

"It will be easier after you talk with him. It will be harder the longer you wait" she says and caresses my shoulder softly.

"I know, I'll tell him" I say and nod.

"I can't wait for him to hate me about not telling him about that, too" she sighs.

"That's a lot more private, he won't blame you for not telling him. And also, he doesn't hate you. He's already started to forget about it"

"Let me know if you need anything"

"Okay" I say and fake smile.

A minute later Robert comes over with a smile on his lips. When he sees us he notices we're a little bit awkward and he stops smiling.

"You surely look like you need a drink after all" he says.

"You left and we had no one to make us laugh" I say and he smiles.

"That explains it" he says proudly and hands me my soda.

We stayed there the three of us for a while until Robert asked me to go dance together. I'm not sure if he wanted to get away from Gwyneth or spend some time with me but we had fun. We danced together to the rhythm and laughed a lot. That always happens when we dance because we have the weirdest moves, especially Robert. Although, when he wants he can be a great dancer. He becomes the greatest dancer during the ballads.

His hands softly touch my skin and he uses his body to show me carefully where to step. I love it when he makes me lean against him and spin around. I'm enjoying this moment and he knows it. Well, I'm sure he enjoys it as well but I feel like I'm living my dream. It wasn't that long ago when I only knew Robert as an actor and he was my celebrity crush and now we're engaged and I'm pregnant. He looks at me straight in the eyes with a pure grin on his lips and I can feel myself tearing up. I look away and continue dancing slowly with him so he doesn't notice. A couple songs later we go outside to relax and breathe some fresh air.

"Is everything okay?" he asks me softly and rests his hand on my back.

"Yes, everything's fine" I reply and I can feel his hand slowly going up and down relaxing me.

"You're acting a little bit weird lately, are you having second thoughts?" he asks me seriously.

"No, of course not" I say and kiss him.

He smiles and I rest my head on his chest. He wraps both his arms around me and I feel so safe and loved at that moment. Robert places a sweet kiss on my head and sighs.

"If you're not having second thoughts what is it? I can feel something is going on. Should I worry?" he already sounds worried and I hate it.

"No, don't. I love you, it has nothing to do with our engagement. It's just all the pressure I've been through lately coming out"

"Okay" he nods looking into my eyes and I'm not sure he believed me.

More likely he wants to give me time until I'm ready to tell him what's on my mind. We stay there hugging each other for the next couple of minutes until we're ready to return inside. We were chatting with some other actors when suddenly I saw Leslie around. I knew she'd be here but that doesn't stop me from feeling an urge to attack her. Robert notices I'm tense and then sees I'm staring at her.

"If you keep looking at her like that maybe I'll start getting jealous" he jokes and seems proud of it but I look at him unamused.

"I know we cleared things out between you two but I still don't like her. I mean, she sent you those pictures, it's clear she wanted to seduce you"

"Honey, if she wanted to seduce me she wouldn't help me propose to you"

"She probably wanted to spend time with you. I would, too, I get it" I say and he laughs.

"There's Tim, her boyfriend. Do you think she's with him because she wants to seduce me?" he asks when her boyfriend shows up.

"Who knows? I surely hope not, though. He seems nice" I say looking at them.

"Hey, I'm here" he waves his hand in front of my head to stop me from looking at him.

"There's only room for you in my heart, don't worry"

"That's what I wanna hear" he laughs and we share a kiss.

We stayed at the party having fun with the rest of the people until late. It was a fun night, we laughed a lot. On our way home we kept laughing at things that happened.

When we finally laid down he hugged me again and I rested my head on his hand that was around me.

"I don't have to remind you that you can tell me anything, right?" he asks quietly.

"No, I know that"

"Okay" he says and we stay in silence for a few moments until we say goodnight and fall asleep.

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