Part 45

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Gabriel sent me a text to arrange the time and place and we decided that the best choice is for him to pick me up from the house. He arrived just on time and passed through security before knocking on the door. I open the door for him and see him holding flowers in his hand.

"Thank you, but you didn't have to" I smile and take them.

"It's okay, I always brought you flowers in the past"

"That's true but back then we went on dates, this is not a date" I correct him and motion him to come inside.

"I never said it was"

"Just give me a minute and I'll be ready" I say and go upstairs to put on the last datails for my outfit.

I am not comfortable wearing high heels anymore which means I put more effort in the accessories. When I go back downstairs I see Gabriel holding a mini iron man statue we have in the living room.

"I don't think Robert will be happy to know you're messing with that" I say and he places it back down carefully.

"You surely do have a lot of iron man stuff in here" he chuckles looking around.

It's true. Robert has received many Iron Man related gifts and even has brought home many things from the set. Thankfully the house is huge and we have all these things separated, otherwise it would look like an Iron Man museum.

"Yes, we like everything. I'm ready" I say and put on my coat.

"You look great, let's go"

We got in his car and he drove us safely to a restaurant. I haven't been in this one before and it's always nice trying new things. We take our seats and immediately a waiter comes to help us with the menu and later to take our order.

"How does the restaurant seem to you so far? I'm sure Robert has taken you to fancier places" he says and takes a sip from his water.

"Don't even think about it, this place is great. I can't wait to taste the food"

"I promise you'll love it"

Not long later the waiter brought us our food and just like Gabriel said I loved it ever since my first bite. Some red wine would be perfect with it but I can't drink. Now that I'm not allowed to taste red wine it is even better in my imagination.

"I want to apologise if I pushed you too hard or made you feel uncomfortable at any point we were working together"

"Well, there were some moments I was feeling very pressured but you weren't the only reason for that. I was very stressed the closer we went to the end"

"Please forgive me for being too hard on you. You didn't deserve it, you did an excellent work"

"Thank you and I forgive you. If you don't mind me asking, why didn't you offer me a part in your new project?" I ask kind of nervously.

"I really wanted to but for marketing reasons people advised me not to use the same main model two times in a row. It had nothing to do with your performance on the campaign"

"Okay, I understand. How are you by the way? I've been hearing you have some bad days at work"

"I'm fine. It's just some personal things that interfere with my work unfortunately sometimes" he sighs.

"You can tell me about it if you want"

"Ugh, okay" he says after thinking for a while.
"I started having an affair with a model even though I'm strictly against this policy. I don't want to get into many details, let's just say it didn't end very well and it affected my work from times to times"

"Can't you work things out with her?"

"I could probably, but I don't really want to try. This is going to sound weird but I haven't actually felt the need to fight for a relationship ever since you and I broke up" he says looking into my eyes and I gulp.

"Well, we had something very nice but it didn't work out. You'll find someone to make you feel that and way much more, just like I did with Robert"

When I mention Robert I see him looking away from me even though he was looking at me the whole time. This motion seems very weird to me and I'm curious to know what it is about.

"Is everything okay?" I ask.

"Yes, of course" he clears his throat and looks back at me.

"Really? Because I could swear you acted weirdly when I mentioned Robert"

"No, it must have been a misunderstanding"

"So you have nothing against him?" I pressure him more because I don't believe him.

"What do you want me to say? Is he my favourite person on earth? Definitely not. Do I have to live with the fact that he makes you happy? Yes"

I immediately get annoyed by him just like when my brother told me almost the same things. Why do men in my life can't seem to understand Robert and they always misjudge him?

"What has he ever done to you?" I ask laughing ironically.

"Nothing. I simply don't like that he's the man you chose to be with forever" he says and I'm getting more and more pissed by the second.

"Why? Is he not good enough for me? If you only knew the way he treats me and the things he does for me you wouldn't say anything like that"

"You're probably right. I don't know him that well, I've only met him a couple of times but he seems untrustworthy sometimes"

"You've met him a couple of times but you seem to have a clear opinion on him. Untrustworthy because of what? His previous drug addiction? He's clean, when will you finally accept that?" I say desperately.

"I don't mean that. I'm referring to the times he embarrassed you on live TV and let's not forget about the video" he says quietly.

"You don't know half the truth behind all this. Don't believe everything the press says about him"

"Okay, I'm sorry. I just said my opinion. I don't love him as a person but I admire the fact he's won you and I think he's very talented"

"Yes, he is. In many fields actually" I say and he gulps looking away.

"Let's not ruin our moods, okay? You're with him, I can see you love him and that's all that matters to me. I wanted to make sure you're happy"

"I'm much more than happy, Gabriel"

"And that's all I wanted to hear" he nods.

The rest of the dinner was more awkward than I expected. I wasn't in a great mood after all he said but he at least tried to fix it with his behaviour. He apologised a few more times and after some conversations he started to change his mind about Robert. Not that his opinion on Robert would change anything, but I can't stand people judging him over his fame and his past. He drove me back home and I fell asleep soon after that.

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