Part 50

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"Where the f*ck does that go?" Robert hisses and throws a piece of the furniture away.

"Calm down, sweetie, we'll find out" I say and caress his back to relax him.

"I never imagined it would be so difficult. I thought there were, like, a few pieces and I would put them together. I feel stupid now" he says desperately.

"You're not stupid, it's difficult sometimes to assemble furniture" I kiss his cheek.

"Okay, I'm not giving up" he says and concentrates again.

Two hours later I'm in the kitchen getting a snack when Robert appears almost running.

"Baby, come on, it's done!" he says with excitement.

I follow him upstairs again and find him outside the baby's room. I stand next to him and he hugs me. I look inside and the crib he's been working on since we woke up is done and in the middle of the room. We go over it and stare at it.

"It's beautiful" I say admiring it.

"Imagine how it's going to be with our baby girl inside" he says softly.

"We're so lucky" I tear up.

"Yes, we are"
"So, where do you think we should put it?" he asks and we look around the room.

"Under the window would be perfect but with all these boxes I think it will be difficult" I joke.

"Hey, I promised I'd take care of everything, didn't I?"

"I'm just messing with you, I know you'll have everything done like you said. And you don't have to rush, one thing at a time"

"Thank you" he smiles.
"Now, let me just place the crib over there" he says and moves away the boxes that are in the way.

He pulls the crib and it moves slightly. I see he's having a tough time moving it and I go next to him to help him.

"What do you think you're doing?" he asks stopping.

"I'm trying to help"

"You are not supposed to help like this. You gave me instructions earlier, that was very helpful. Lifting heavy stuff is not good for your health. If I need any help I'll call one of the security guys"

"I'm not lifting anything, we'll push the crib for a few seconds, no big deal"

"I don't even need any help, see?" he asks and pushes the crib by himself.

He struggles but moves it closer to the window. He breathes quickly a few times and then pushes again. After a few more tries he's moved it completely and sits on the floor in front of it.

"You're so tough" I say playfully and hit his arm sitting next to him.

"It took you long enough to notice" he says cockily.

He hugs me and kisses my head.

"Baby, you need a bath" I say and push him away slowly.

"I know, sorry" he chuckles.

He stands up and pulls my hand so I stand up with him. He pulls me in for a kiss and smiles against our lips.

"I'll get the bathtub ready, join me in five minutes" he smirks and leaves.

I go to the bedroom to remove my clothes and wear only my robe to cover my naked body. Then I go to the bathroom and see Robert in the bathtub waiting for me. He sees me, smiles and moves to the closest part of the bathtub to me.

"Come in" he says pointing at the empty space around him.

"I will, just give me a minute" I say and start getting insecure.

The Making Of A Legend (Leaked Sequel/RDJ FanFic) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant