Part 18

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Robert's at work and my schedule is free. All I did today was give an interview for a magazine and I couldn't be more bored. I was doing my workout when my phone started buzzing. I went over there and saw I just received a text from Christie, a model we worked a lot with at the campaign. She asked me if I was free to grab a coffee later in the afternoon and I said yes without a second thought. I haven't gone out for a coffee in so long I get excited just by thinking about it.

I managed to take a bath, grab something to eat and get ready just in time for my coffee date. My driver took me over and I sat on an empty table for a few minutes alone before Christie showed up as well. We immediately smiled when we saw each other and I stood up so we could hug. A waitress came quickly and took our orders.

"How have you been? I haven't really talked to you after the show" I ask her.

"I've been great, hanging out with friends and family. I really needed some time to rest after all that pressure"

"I get you. I barely leave the house for something other than visiting Robert's set"

"How are things with Robert?"

"Good, we have more time for us now but he still is not home for the most of the day. He's a few weeks away from finishing the shooting and there's a lot of work"

"At least you have his gorgeous ass to fool around with. Not implying anything but your man is an eye candy" she says and we both laugh.

"Yeah, he is. And he's a great person, too" I say and the waitress comes with our order.

We continued having small talk and started gossiping around about other people. I was having a very good time.

"So, is there anything business related you're working on now?" I ask.

"I'm talking with Gabriel about the new show he's in charge of, nothing conclusive yet"

"He's doing another show?" I ask surprised and kind of hurt he didn't want me to be part of it.

"Yeah, I thought you knew. He talked about you, I assumed he had informed you already"

"Maybe he hasn't had the chance yet" I say trying to reassure myself.

"I'm sure he's trying to have everything perfect before asking you to join. I bet you'll be hearing from him soon" she says and takes the final sip from her coffee.

During the rest of our time there I tried to hide the fact that it bothered me that Gabe didn't talk to me already. I mean, I don't think I want to do this whole modeling thing again but I thought we worked very well together on the campaign. Why didn't he want me?

When it was time to leave we shared another hug and then I got in the car again. Robert was still at work and I wanted someone to talk to so I told the driver to take me over there. When I arrived I first saw Gwyneth and she was happy to see me as always.

"Robert didn't tell me you were gonna visit us today"

"I wasn't going to, I just need to talk to him about something. Have you seen him?" I ask since I don't see him anywhere.

"He's probably in his trailer, we are shooting some scenes without him at the moment"

"Okay, thank you. I'll see you later" I say and go over to his trailer.

I knock on the door and after hearing no reply I open the door to find out he's not there. I take my phone out to call him but he's not answering. A woman from the crew is passing in front of me and I stop her to ask if she knows anything.

"Excuse me, have you seen Robert?" I ask politely.

"He was with Leslie a few minutes ago, if he's not here you should check out her trailer" she says and I thank her.

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