Part 49

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I've been waiting for Robert to arrive any minute now. He was stuck in the airport because fans recognised him but he told me he was on his way some time later. When I hear the door opening I rush to the hallway and I see Robert. He sees me too and approaches me quickly and with a huge smile on his lips. Without saying anything we press our lips against one another's. I have my hands around his neck and he has his one hand softly on my cheek and the other around my waist.

"I can't get enough of you" he says in between kisses.

He then kneels in front of me and caresses my growing tummy. He places a kiss on it and rests his head against it softly.

"Look at you, you've grown so much since I left" he says tearing up.

"Only a little bit, baby. It's alright" I pass my hand through his beautiful curls and he looks up at me smiling.

"I love you so much" he whispers before pulling me in for another tender kiss.

"You look so tired" I say worried, looking at his tired eyes.

"It's just the jet lag, I'll be fine" he reassures me and pulls me in for a long hug.

"How about we go lie down for a while? I could use an afternoon nap as well"

"That would be nice"

We went hand in hand to the bedroom and we relaxed on the bed. He hugged me and placed one hand over my tummy and eventually he fell asleep. I spent some time watching him sleep which I would concider creepy but I couldn't keep my eyes off of him. When I woke up Robert was still asleep so I kissed his cheek before running to the bathroom to throw up. It doesn't happen much and it definitely got better after the vitamins but it still didn't stop. I feel Robert holding my head and after I'm done he helps me get up and throw some water on my face. He hugs me carefully from behind.

"Sorry about that" I say.

"Sorry? I was hoping I could help you with your nausea" he kisses the back of my head.

"Thank you"

"I have something for you actually, come with me downstairs"

"I'll brush my teeth and I'll be right down, okay?" I ask and he nods.

I find him downstairs and he's holding a small bag in his hands. I kiss him slowly and then we part our lips.

"I got these from Paris" he says and hands me the bag.

"What are these?" I ask looking inside it.

"They're herbs. They're supposed to help with your nausea"

"Oh, baby, thank you"

"I hope they work, though. I don't know what else to do to help"

"I already feel better when you're around" I smile.

We stayed at the house until it was time for us to get ready and go out for dinner. Robert followed me in the bedroom and we started getting dressed together. I wore a new dress which was good at hiding my popping belly and he wore matching dress pants with a white shirt and a jacket. He came behind me when I was ready to put on my accessories and kissed the back of my neck lovingly.

"I know you said you ran out of things to buy but I hope you can find some use in these" he whispers and opens a box with earrings inside.

"Oh my God" I gasp and take it in my hands.
"These are amazing" I say and carefully try them on.

We look at ourselves in the mirror and hug slowly but strongly.

"They look even better now that you're wearing them" he whispers and I turn around to kiss him once more.

"Why do you have to be so perfect?" I ask smiling.

"Because you bring the best out of me. Now let's go, we have a reservation to catch"

He drove us to the restaurant himself. It was fancy, with very well tasted music and we had the best table. We always had the best seats ever since we started dating but now with his reputation rising we get invited to restaurants we haven't been before and they treat us in the best possible way. We took our seats and after looking at the menu closely we ordered our plates. The food was nice but the thing I enjoyed most was having Robert's company after two weeks. We couldn't stop looking at each other and smile. After some time I felt my stomach kind of weird and it made me feel uncomfortable.

"Baby, if you don't mind, could we go back home? I'm feeling a little bit sick" I say quietly.

"Yes, of course. What's wrong? Is it the food? Was it not good?" he asks with a serious tone.

"No, the food was delicious. It must be the combination of the vitamins, the herbs, the food and the standard nausea" he nods and places his hand over mine while asking for the check.

When we arrive back home we change into our night clothing and I join him under the bed sheets.

"Are you feeling better?" he asks wrapping his arm around me firmly.

"I think so, sorry for ruining our night" I sigh.

"Nothing's ruined. The point was to spend time together and that's what we're doing whether we're out or home"

I smile and rest my head on his chest. I listen to his heartbeat which calms me down and he caresses my back with his fingers.

"It has to be the herbs. I'm sorry, I thought they would help" when he finishes he kisses the top of my head.

"You don't know that. Besides, I loved them. I will try them again tomorrow and we'll see" I reassure him and he nods.

We stay there lying in each other's arms without speaking. We're just enjoying having one another.

"There's nothing like sleeping in my own bed with you. No hotel room can top that"

"Even though I haven't tried the beds you have, I can agree that this is the best feeling"

"I don't want to fall asleep" he whines after yawning.

"We'll have the whole day tomorrow, I want your whole energy restored"

"Don't worry about it, once the jet lag is gone I'll be the same annoyingly energetic person you fell in love with"

"I'm sure you'll be" I laugh.
"But for now, get some rest, you need it" I caress his hair and then kiss him.

"You're right. Goodnight, loves" he smiles.

"Goodnight" I smile back and we lie comfortably on the bed together.

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