Part 38

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I wake up and after going to the bathroom I check my phone and find an unread message from Robert. He says goodmorning which is weird because it was very early in L.A. when he texted me. I text him back asking why he was up this early and he says he has a very busy schedule today. I go downstairs to grab some breakfast with my family and halfway through my phone rings and it's Robert.

"Hey, good morning" I say picking up.

"Good morning, baby. How did you sleep?"

"Fine, how about you? Getting up so early must have been difficult for you" I say knowing he's not a morning person at all.

"Truth is I needed a few cups of coffee to be able to function properly but I'm fine now"

"I'm sure you did" I laugh picturing it.

"So, do you have any plans for today?"

"Not really, but I'm sure something will come up"

"Yeah, I believe so, too"

We stayed on the phone for a few more minutes just chatting about random stuff until I heard the doorbell and had to open the door. When I open it I see Robert with a big beautiful smile on his lips. I scream in excitement and we hug tightly. As we kiss he holds me in the air for a couple of seconds and when we're done we have the most satisfying smiles on our faces.

"How are you here?"

"It's been 5 days, I seriously couldn't handle waiting any longer to see you"

"But don't you have interviews and stuff?" I ask confused.

"I do, I have to leave first thing in the morning unfortunately" he sighs and even though I am disappointed I don't show it, not wanting to ruin the mood.

"We'll make the best out of our day today then" I smile and he nods.

"Allyson, is everything okay?" my mom asks and comes to the door.

When she sees Robert she smiles widely and he leans down to hug her.

"I'm so happy to see you, Robert" she says surprised.

"I'm very happy to be here as well"

"Come in, don't stand at the door" she says and I realise I hadn't invited him inside yet.

My mom shows him the house since it's the first time he's been here. In the meantime I go to the back yard to let my dad know Robert is here and when we go back inside together we find him with my mom in the kitchen.

"Well, if this isn't Tony Stark!" my dad says and both him and Robert laugh.

"In the flesh!"

"I thought you were busy. How comes you're here?"

"I changed my schedule to have this day free. I have to be back tomorrow morning" he says and I hug him carefully.

"That sounds exhausting"

"It's worth it" Robert replies smiling down at me.

"It's your lucky day, Robert. We're having a barbecue today. Would you like to help me out? I already started in the back yard"

"I actually haven't tried that before" Robert says with hesitation.

"What? How is that even possible?" my dad asks laughing.

"There are usually people doing it for me"

"I'm not letting my daughter marry a man who can't organise a barbecue, come with me" he says playfully and grabs Robert from his shoulder taking him to the back yard.

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