"Hey big brother I see your home for the doctor appoinment" I could hear Tiffany say through the phone.

"Yes we should be leaving in a few minutes" Wiliam said

"Yes well I heard women who are pregnant sexual drive goes through the roof so give Lisa a break she is pregnant after all you know" Tiffany said I couldnt help but laugh to myself because that couldnt be more true. It seems like I couldnt get enough since I've been pregnant and William wasn't complaining in least.

"Hey you telling me maybe you should tell her to give me a break" William answered laughing. I turned around and punched him on his arm.

"Ouch women" he said turning to me with a smile.

"you gone pay for that later" I said  "And if we dont leave now we're going to be late"

"Tiffany Ill talk to you later we need to leave for the doctor......ok I will bye" William turned following me to the door "Tiffany said bye and to kiss the babies for her"

After the doctor we decided to go to lunch at my favorite resturant since I been pregant.

"Welcome to Olive Garden can I start you guys off with something to drink" The waiter asked

"yes sweet tea for the both us please" William said I dont know why but ever since I reached my second trimester pasta has been my number one food. Everywhere we go Im always ordering something with pastain it.

"So are you ready to go baby shopping since we know the sex now" William asked as the waited brought our drinks to the table.

"Yes I cant believe we are having girl" I said smiling "Then we have to plan for the wedding"

As soon as I was released from the hospital, William had his jewler to come to the house so we could pick out engagment rings. As much as I protested that we should wait until after the baby to get married William insisted that I not have the baby out of wedlock. Which was kind of understandable considering his background and culture. We told his parents last month and it took an full two hours to get Williams mother to not come into the states the next day. She was so excited and called almost every other day to check and see if any progress has beeen made.

sometimes it could be alittle much with the calling and all but I wouldnt change it for anything. It felt really good to have people who care and love you so much. The waiter came and we ordered our food and continued talking about the wedding.

"I think Im just going to get a wedding planner because two months to plan a wedding along with getting ready for the baby is alot you know" I said stuffing pasta into my mouth. I looked and saw William just looking at me with a unreadable expression on his face.

"What?" I ask after swallowing my last bit of food

"Nothing Im just so happy that I have you in my life.  can't believe Im about o marry the women of my dreams and become a father in about six months."

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