Be The Change!

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I was on auto pilot on my way back home so I didn't immediately notice the flashy car that was parked in front of the apartment complex. I sighed, feeling the numbing headache come alive again.

Slowly, I came to a halt and studied the man who was now facing my way. Why did I ever think he'd do as I told him?

"You're back." He was the first to break the silence seeing how I couldn't be bothered to greet him. Standing in front of him with just a five foot distance between us, I could clearly outline his features in the dimly lit environment. It appeared as if he had been running his fingers through his hair a thousand times with how disheveled it looked. Tension shrouded his face, and his brows were slightly wrinkled.

Funny how I could now easily spot the differences on his stoic facade.

"Why are you here?" I queried, forcing my face to be devoid of any emotions.

"Let's talk."

"There's nothing to talk about." I proceeded to walk around the man but my arm was snatched without warning and I was soon hauled back in front of him. His fingers were digging into my skin, causing me to wince as I inadvertently tried to yank my hand back, but to no avail.

"I'll only allow you to go after we're done talking." 

Allow?? ...Him? What kind of ridiculous basis does he use to assume that he was qualified to boss even the most basic things I can do?

Something in me snapped and every single thing he'd done to make my life miserable came back to me one by one.

My eyes narrowed.

"...Fine." I will end this once and for all. "Let me ask you this question then. Was it fun seeing how I can't fight back at all?"

"What..?" His knitted brows deepened even more as he stared back at me. "If this is about my meddling at your workplace, I didn't tell you because I knew you'd react like this." He quickly added.

I puffed out a sound of disbelief as I finally managed to retrieve my hand back from him. "React like what? If my reaction isn't normal, how exactly should I react then? Grateful..? You..." I emphasized the word as I pointed hard at his chest before adding. "...just made me feel useless, is all. I don't need anything from you, Uziel Axton. I can take care of myself."

He clenched his fists, looking a tad bit frustrated. "I wanted to take some weight off your shoulders. You've been compromising your health for far too long. I... was merely concerned that you'd suddenly collapse one day..."

My head swayed at his reasons. Unbelievable...! "And just whose fault do you think is it that I'm overworking..? Tell me honestly. Is it really just because you want to help me?"

He stopped, pursed his lips and looked away as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

That's what I thought... This is what it should be.

"If you were really concerned, you wouldn't have done all the things you did to me. Aren't you just plain selfish? You only think for your own benefit... I just despi-" se you.

"Don't. say. it..." He cut me off, his voice sounding unusually calm. "Don't you dare..-"

I don't understand why he's acting as if he cares... but I will not dwell on that thought.


I didn't stray my sight away from him as I gloatingly opened my mouth, but before I could finish forming the words, I was rendered speechless.

What... does he think he's doing..?

Just like that, time stopped and the air stilled as I stared up at his creased brows. His fringe brushed my temple and although it felt ticklish, I didn't seem to mind at all... His eyes were closed. His hands shook against my cheeks but it wasn't from the cold because they were obviously warm. He felt... warm. I opened my mouth and slowly... my lids began to close.

'Leila...' A voice suddenly broke out from the quiet moment. 'I am Leila Cato...' 

My previous declaration hit me like a bucket of cold water. 

I drew my eyes open and my limbs sprang into action. With a force I didn't think I could muster, I pushed Uziel away as I gasped for breath, looking shocked and fearful of what I almost did just now. 

I almost... 

No way... 

Uziel spoke, looking defeated as he seemed to stagger backwards. "You're right. I don't like you..." Pain flickered in his eyes. Or maybe those were mine simply reflected in his onyx orbs.  "I... love you."


An inexplicable feeling bloomed in my chest and for a second, I couldn't seem to breathe. It took all my strength to cut it off, realizing how this was affecting me a little too much. I looked away from him and reminded myself about why I should have the highest barricade against him.

In the first place, those words weren't really intended for me, were they..?

I felt a twinge of pain in my heart. "Stop..."

"Look at me." Uziel seized my shoulders.

Aren't I just like a poser?


"Look at me!" He went on to capture my face and forcefully raised my chin. His aloof face had completely fallen, and a panic-stricken expression ousted it instead. "I.don'"

I gulped. 

"...You were going to run away from me if I didn't do all the things I did. I may have been selfish, but that's because I don't want to lose you..!" His voice held a gravity I was only able to sense now, and his beautiful onyx eyes... They were flashing with undisguised emotions I thought he couldn't possibly have the ability to muster. But as I looked at the state of him now, I realized I was so wrong...

"I could lose the tiny bit I have of myself but not you... Do you understand..?" His words hit me so hard, I wanted to burst out crying but my eyes stayed dry. For a while, I just stood there, trying to stay grounded.

Seeing him like this, all the more strengthened my resolve.

I don't have the right to be listening to words that aren't meant for me...

Once I was certain I could pull off a perfectly indifferent act, I attempted to move away from him but he unexpectedly hugged me.

"Stay..! Do you still not believe me?? I'm not lying! If you tell me to marry you right now, I will-!"

I lowered my eyes to conceal my surprise. "But I don't want to..." I extorted the words out of my mouth with effort. "I don't love you."

I then moved out of his reach, turned around and walked towards the entrance of the apartment complex.

"...You're lying."

I stopped and twisted my body to face him. He looked so vulnerable standing there alone. His face, a perfect painting of anguish and frustration.

"Why would I?" Facing forward once again, I continued to go, ignoring the pain.

"Rui Hughes... When I left fourteen years ago, I didn't have a choice..."

"I really... didn't have a choice." He repeated, his voice laced with maddening frustration.

I stopped, briefly hesitating but when I caught my unfamiliar reflection in the glass doors, I pushed that feeling away and continued to move forward.

He didn't bother to stop me this time around. I felt somewhat relieved but disappointed at the same time. And yet in the end, I could only lock these feelings away. If I as much as show even a tiny bit of reluctance, he'll see through me. And I can't let that happen.

Uziel... You and I can never be together, because you will always be you and I will always be me...

And my conscience will not allow anything to happen. 


A/N: Who's right? Who's wrong? 

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