Oblivious (2)

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I quickly looked away before anyone could notice my weird reaction. Is he meeting one of his women? As soon as the thought came, a man in a suit passed by and sat across him. Oh...

Sorry for being too judgemental, I suppose.

"You look like you saw a ghost... Are you perhaps feeling faint?"

"No!" I snapped, pulling my gaze away from Axton. "I'm fine. Anyway, you wanted to ask a question earlier...?" I tried to distract myself from the uneasy feeling at the pit of my stomach by talking to the man in front of me. But as I sat there openly communicating with the stranger, the feeling slowly turned to confusion.

Why would I be uneasy? It's not like I'm doing something to conspire against him.


I glanced at Shirly who blushed at a compliment and thought she wouldn't know unless he comes up and talk to me, which would never happen. His character wouldn't allow him to do that.

I breathed a sigh of relief. I was worried for nothing! I mean, I doubt he even knows I exist apart from the time he asks for food.

"So you're a friend of Shirly?" The man, whose name I don't remember, suddenly asked.

"Yes. We met at work." I looked at his face, silently weighing his expressions. He looks gentle. Like an angel. But I already know that human expressions are layered. He could show me what's under the first mask but what about the third one? Thanks to my ex, I learned this the hard way. I even died as a repercussion.

For the overall appearance, he's quite the looker, probably another reason why the girls are giving me dirty looks.

"You don't look like a businesswoman, at all!" He exclaimed.

Then what do I look like?

The way he said it almost immediately made me use a defensive tone in my head. Then again, maybe I was just reading into it too much.

"Is that so?" I replied curtly but that didn't dissuade him to talk even further.

"You look like you could aim higher." Just then, I thought I saw a glimpse of the dark hidden meaning behind those words in his eyes. This man's face and words are dangerous...

"...Is that so?" I repeated my earlier words.

He laughed. The sound was melodious, I could even hear the angels singing in the background. It was such a nostalgic sound, it reminded me of my past. I took the iced tea and drank a fourth of it as he spoke.

"I mean you'd definitely hit it big in the entertainment industry. Not much effort to put in there, too."

I smiled, amused. Again. The words he chose have this sort of twisted double meaning, I could almost taste it in my mouth...

It made me somewhat annoyed. "Not at all. Maybe you're talking about yourself." I answered back with the sweetest smile I could muster.

"With that kind of face and flattery, people would instantly love you." I added, throwing his words back at him.

"Nonsense. I'm only average." He didn't look shy at all as he rebutted my words with a jaded response. It's clear he's aware of his good looks. I didn't respond and just stared at him, fighting to hide my distaste. As a result, I completely lost sense of my surroundings and didn't notice someone walk to our table. That is until I heard a familiar deep authoritative voice.

"What a coincidence. I was just thinking about you and... here you are."

And now I wish I wasn't.

I slowly looked up at the owner of the voice and there sure was damned Uziel Axton standing beside our table. It's just one after the other with these men. I mentally sighed from exhaustion.

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