Trouble in paradise

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"Open your pages to page 61 please."

Math. The only class I hated. Mrs. Lovaski was the only teacher in the world who was capable of making me dread going to this class. I usually likes math. To me, it wasn't boring. It was a chance to solve a puzzle. Call me a geek if you want but, I'd like to think of my self more as a smart-ass teenager, even though I hate science.

The police women- who's name I later found out was Heather- was a fake. Or at least I thought she was. Last night relayed in my head.
"Hello, I found a note." I said into the receiver. I was suspicious, how in the name of God could the policewomen have gotten into my closet and put a nursery rhyme in the note. Not to mention it was in my house!

"Good, now I'd like for you to get cozy in a chair cause I got a story for you." She sounded excited. Like a six year old who completed something and was getting a reward. Either way I was curious enough to listen to her and find a chair in which I would be cozy in.

"So, would you like to tell me as to how you entered my house or-" I was cut short because the women was talking over me.

"Yada yada yada, forget about those small details. Let's go onto the bigger story shall we? Anyway I'm going to tell you the story of your life and please, don't hang up on me if I'm not done talking. Its incredibly rude."

She continued since I didn't argue or anything. "So this world we live in, it's messed up. I'm pretty sure you knew that but did you know that with the right people we would fix this hell hole we call earth. But the world is still the same. You want to know why the worlds still the same? Why almost everyone's selfish? Why you will never find one person kind enough to help an old lady cross the street? There's a reason for that. The government." All of a sudden Heathers voice wasn't cheery but broken as if she went through a hell of a lot broken.

"Um... Don't you technically work for the government?" I said.

"Yeah, but it's undercover." She replied with.

"Wait what-"

"Stop interrupting me for gods sake! I have an hour left to chat with you and every seconds precious! Anyways where was I? Oh yeah the government. The government stops you from thinking. Literally. They put something in people's medications."

"Well I don't take medications so..."

"Not just medications, even the vaccines they give you for the flu or the medicine you buy from the local supermarket when you get a cold. It's called Impedicts and there dangerous. They make us think differently than were suppose to think. They make us think how they want us to think."

Is she serious? I laughed awkwardly. "Um... Look, I don't know about you but I was taught never to trust a stranger. Especially a crazy one. I mean, I don't even know your name!" I said.

"It's Heather. And darling, you don't have to trust me. You just have to listen. Cause you might just miss something important." Said Heather.

"I don't Have to do anything!"

"No, no you don't. but sometimes there are things you know you have to do. Otherwise you might not like the outcome." Heather had a calm voice, which only made me angrier.

"Well, I have better stuff to do. I'm not wasting anymore time on you." I was about to hang up until I heard Heather say one more thing.

"Wait! Before you hang up, I know what I'm saying is crazy heck even I didn't believe the first time, but it's true. If you don't believe me I can give you proof. Just go ask your doctor if there's any special ingredients that you want to know."

"What?" But it was too late, Heather had hung up.
What did she mean? And was what she was saying true? Or was she just a crazy lady. Was Taylor pranked?

All these question were swirli in her head until she heard a voice call her name.



With a silent groan, Taylor looked at her teacher and was shocked to see how angry she looked.

"Yes Mrs.-"

"Don't you Mrs me young lady. I have never seen a lady act so deaf before. Do you have hearing problems Taylor. Km sure the office would love to hear about them."

Looked like there was trouble in paradise.
I'm going to try and edit the other chapters because I didn't like how it was written. though I won't change the plot so you won't have to go back and read it. Thank you so much for 400 readers by the way. And for the 31 likes. Vote and comment!

Impedicts  (Book #1) *Undergoing major editingWhere stories live. Discover now