What the heck... Mr.Lee?

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Check out @stars-vs-chocolates,SHE MAKES FREAKING HELLA GOOD COVERS. She has a book called beware the cowboy, You should check it out sometime.

Oooh I had to force myself to write a chapter... So sorry if it sucks (And don't be a grammar Nazi like asiya XD I love you asiya!) oh and I KNOW THE STORY IS CONFUSING AS HELL I'm editing it, so... it will be. I'm switching the point of view for every character to first point of view, so it will take some time.


"Would you please wake up Mr.Jackson!" someone said with a stern voice. His voice was muffled but it was getting clearer by the second.

Then my eyes shot open and I was wide awake as I was poked from the back with something as sharp as a knife. I yelped in shock.

"What was that for?!" I yelled. Everyone in the classroom started to laugh.

At me.

I could feel my cheeks getting hotter and hotter, and wondered if anyone else was as mortified as I was. Or if they at least knew how I felt.

My teacher Mr.Andrew, hated me. Ever since my first day here, he singled me out.

"Well you weren't waking up when I called you 10 times." He said in a sarcastic voice.

"Well... I'm sorry." I replied. PRETENDING to be guilty. We all knew there was nothing to feel guilty about.


"Mark Jackson to the Main Office please. I repeat Mark Jackson to the Main office." Said the intercom.

As usual, the whole class turned to me as though I was a interesting movie.

I stood, not really caring that I was called down. It wasn't something new to me. Back at my old school my would always get in trouble with the smallest stuff, But now, seeing as I was new, I didn't know why I was being called down.

"Uh....." I said, Not knowing what to do. Did I need a pass or...?

"Well?" Said Mr. Andrew said with a raised eyebrow. "Are you too leave? Or no?"

"Oh, I'll leave." I said. I got up from my chair and walked out of the classroom

I had a fucking rude teacher...

I was walking down the hallway when I saw the principal From the other side, towards me. She looked up, and saw that it was me. She then smile and said, "Mark! I was actually just going to go to your class and take you to the office!"

Then she gave me a suspicious look, as though she caught me with drugs.

"That IS why your out of class, yes? To go to the office?"

"Y-yes?" I Stammered. Unfortunately, It made me seem as though I was doing drugs.

Luckily, she just let it go and continued to talk about the office again.

"Follow me then."

So, I did. I followed the principal (who by the way, was acting seriously nice) to her 'office' and standing there? Was a little girl who couldn't have been younger than 8 and a teenager who had such a mischievous smile.

"Mark, This is Mr. Lee." Said the principal with a smile. "He wants to have some words with you, normally we wouldn't allow this but Mr. Lee has convinced me that this was an emergency."

What the heck.. Mr. Lee?

I think the principal was on drugs.

"I'll Leave you two. But please, Don't take long. Mark still has classes to attend." And she shut the door.

"Uh...." Said the 'Mr.Lee' Scratching his head and frowning.


And back was the mischievous smile he wore.

Impedicts  (Book #1) *Undergoing major editingOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant