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It's funny how the most beautiful people, are often told their the ugliest
                                        -unknown author


I was sitting on a bench, just outside of the school gates. I was waiting for my mother to take me to the mall. According to her I was in need of new cloths. But I was satisfied with the ones I already had thank you very much.

"Hey Taylor?" I looked around and saw Jen walking out of the school doors and coming towards me.

Oh no.

She was probably going to yell at me for her boyfriends disappearance. I did get questioned about it by the police. And there was also the text that I supposedly sent to the cops too. Also, I bet you a million bucks that the whole school is talking about how I'm a serial killer now and how I'm planning to assassinate the president of the United States. None of that is true of course.

"Hey Jen...?" The statement came out as a question as I said it.

"Hey." She said. Jen then sat down next to me on the bench and give me a look of curiosity.

"So... it's been kinda weird these few days huh?" I said. Stupid Taylor. Stupid dumb Taylor.

"Yeah it kinda was." Jen then gave a long pause. "So have you been to the mall lately?" What a random question to ask.

"No, I'm actually going right now. Why?" I asked out of curiosity.

"No reason, but if you see anything strange out there, you should tell me." Jen gave me a warming smile and stood up.

"I have to go to track and field, but you should tell me if you see anything weird there." And with that, Jen walked away but not before she gave me a knowing look.

Well that was strange I thought.
"Hey mom, I'm going to walk around and look at the stores a bit." I said.

"Okay. Just make sure to come with a shirt that you want." My mother said absentmindedly. She was going through a rack of clothes she wanted.

I rolled my eyes. "I'll make sure I do that." I walked out of the store.

Where to go I thought. Then I remembered how strange Jen was acting. About how she was telling me to tell her anything that happened out of the ordinary while I was at the mall.

"Excuse me?" I turned around to see an elderly lady looking rather lost.

"Hi, Do you need help?" I asked.

"Yes dear, I seem to have lost my way and can't find the entrance. Can you please show me where it might be? You see, I was suppose to meet my grandson Lee there."

"i would be glad to help you. Just follow me." The old lady nodded and I started walking and showing her where the entrance was.

"This is such a big mall don't you think?" I said, deciding that it wouldn't hurt to make small talk with the poor old lady. The elder didn't seem to have heard her so she kept on walking.

Finnaly, I reached the entrance and turned around.

"Well, here we a-" I cut herself short as I relized, The old lady was gone.

Well then I thought.

Just then, I saw a middle aged man who was talking on a phone, walk towards me.

"Look, I'll call you later." said the man, Who then put his phone in his pocket.

"Hey is your name Taylor Castnor?" He said with a smile.

"Um...Yes, it is. Do i know you?" I was wondering whether I was suppose to run or not.

"Here." He gave me a card. "i think you'll want to talk later."

"Thanks, I guess." I said, confused as to how he knew my name. Or what he meant when he said that we might talk later.

I looked down at the card he gave me. I felt a wave of shock as i read the name.

The name said Mr. Lee.


Hey guys! So i think that since i have been writing Mark and Jen's piont of view in third story, I might do the same for Taylor. I personally think that I write in third person better than first person piont of view. And sometimes when I'm writing for Taylor's POV I write it in third point of view rather then first point. To be honest, I don't remember the reason As to why I wrote her in first point of view. So Im going to change Taylor's piont of view to third person sometime later next week.
And ohmygawd! I have like 800 reads and 60 likes. I'm sooo happy! I didn't even think this would be like 1 read or even a vote!


Impedicts  (Book #1) *Undergoing major editingUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum