Privacy? It our house!

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"So, mom. I have to go." She said. Taylor's mother had parked right in front is the main doors. She was running late for school, and her mom had woken Taylor up screaming for her to get ready. "I'll miss you bye" She said in a hurry. Wanting to go to my classes and getting it over with.

"Wait Taylor." Said Taylor's mother. She sounded nervous for some reason. "Yeah?" She replied with.

"Can you come straight home today? No going over to friends houses, and please don't bring friends over. It's important okay?"

"Oh okay. But mom I have to go so bye and love you." She said. She really wanted to get my classes over with.

"Bye, love you too." Said her mom. Taylor left for school and dreaded what was waiting for her.


She walked down the office and got a late pass, walking down the hallway towards her locker.

Just then there were two new messages, guessing one was from Amy, she checked what Amy had sent her.

"Where are you? There's so much stuff happening that I have to tell you right now, reply back ASAP!"

She didn't reply, as she was to lazy.

Amy would understand

She checked the other one while she was opening her locker.

"Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are. See you soon"

The sender was "unknown"

Who in the world would send me a lullaby?, Taylor thought. The least they could do was send me a good lullaby.


End of the chapter my little readers, SIKE! I'm going to write you guys a looong chapter.


She opened her locker, she noticed there was a little sticky note at the tops of her locker,

"Your in danger, remember that"

Must be a prank, she thought. But how did they get it inside my locker and stick it to the top part?


After I finished my 4th hour class. I went ahead and stopped by at Amy's locker. She was already there so when she finished putting her stuff away,we went ahead to the cafeteria.

"So, what was the thing that was so important." I asked, my curiosity took over me.

"I'll tell you once were sitting." She looked really excited and her eyes were sparkling.

We got our lunches and found a table to sit at. For a while both if us weren't saying anything but all of a sudden Amy spoke up.

"So you know Jen right? And her boyfriend Josh?"

I nodded.

"Oh okay, so you know Josh didn't come to school today."

"And...?" I didn't understand how this was a big deal. Josh could be skipping class.

Amy rolled her eyes. "Just listen. His mom got a call from the school to telling her that Josh wasn't at school. His parents thought that he was skipping school. So they called his cell" She took a quick breath and continued.

"But his dad heard a ringing sound and found out that Josh's phone was under Josh's bed. That's when they started freaking out"

We finished our lunches and was outside right now just walking.

"They called the cops and everything and gave them his phone. The cops were able to look through his phone because Josh didn't have a password."

"They found out that Jen was the last person he texted so they pulled her out of class and interviewed her. But all she knew was that Josh wanted to meet with her after school."

"Then all of a sudden, Josh's phone starts buzzing because someone just send him text. But the ID was 'unknown'. What it said was really creepy."

"What did it say?"

"I was just about to tell you. It said: I bet your looking for Josh right? Well don't bother. Your wasting your time and energy. Plus he's dangerous (at least to me). He knows way to much for his own good. So I did the obvious thing and kidnapped him."

Just then a bell started to ring. Which meant that we we're suppose to our classes.

Amy and I said our goodbyes and hurried off to our next classes.

The whole day. I couldn't help but think about what Amy told me. I wonder how Jen's doing I thought. Before I knew it school was done and I was walking home.

When I finally got there I immediately heard my mom yelling for me. "Taylor is that you?"

"Yes, I'm coming."

I heard the TV in so I assumed that she was in the living room. The strange thing was. I was pretty sure that I was hearing a couple of different voices.

"She's coming"

"Get ready"

And sure enough when I walked into the living room, there was a police man and woman. And my mom was sitting with them.

After my mom saw that I was her she got up and told me she had to give us privacy.

"Um... " I said. confused at why there were officers in the house.

Privacy? It's our house!

"Taylor Ride?" Said the policeman.


"We're here to ask you some questions. Is that okay with you?"

This time the policewomen spoke.

"Yeah, am I in trouble or something?"


"Oh okay, ask away" I said.

"Do you know Jen Lopez?"said the policeman.

"Yes, she goes to my school." Does this have to do with Josh?

"Well, then I'm pretty sure you know what happen to her boy friend Josh Martinez. Yes?" I nodded.

"Well after we interviewed Jen, Josh's phone started to buzz. Some had send him a text. Though it was meant for the us. The ID was 'unknown' but we were able to track down where the text was sent from."

"What does this have to do with me then?"

"Well who ever sent that text admitted into kidnapping Josh."

"And...?" I asked. Still having no idea what this had to do with me.

"Well, the text was sent from you.

We tracked it to your phone. I'm sorry to say this but you have to come with us. We want to ask you ... some questions."


Dun dun dun! I'm pretty sure you guys weren't expecting that. So about the authors note I posted earlier. Somehow this part came back with only half of the chapter. But that wasn't a problem.

Anyways I hope this chapter was a long one. Because I'm pretty sure it's my longest.

That's all I have to say so...

Don't forget to vote and comment! I'm editing this chapter at the moment

Impedicts  (Book #1) *Undergoing major editingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora