Never talk to strangers.

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It was the last week Marks family was suppose to move. The week in which he would probably never see his friends again. Well, except for Jack. Jack had promise to visit for the summer. Plus they would Skype from time to time so he could fill in Mark with what's going on and vise versa.

"Mark, someone's on the phone for you!" called out his mother.

"Coming!" he went downstairs to the kitchen where his mother was standing holding out the kitchen phone for him.

He muttered a thanks and wondered who could have been calling him in the kitchen phone and not on his cell phone.

"Hello?" He said into the receiver.

"Is this Mark Jackson?" said a gruff voice.

"Um, yeah and who are you?" he replied with.

"It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is the fate of the world. He growled.

It was just a question, dude don't get all mad he thought.

"Your in danger, you have to get out of Tennessee right away. As fast as you can." Said the odd man.

"That's not a problem then." He replied with. Though he had no idea why he wash talking to this stranger and didn't just hang up on him.

"Good then, I won't ask how, but as long as your away from that place. Anyways you should also tell me how some other students are doing as well." Now his voice sounded normal. not as if he was growling the heck off Mark.

But who was this guy?

"That depends on who you're asking about." Mark replied with.

"Let's see... do you know some people that go by the name of Jen, And Taylor? Also your best friend Jack if you don't mind."

Mark dropped the phone.


"How the hell do you know Jack?!" he yelled. After he picked up the phone again. This guy creeped the hella out if him.

"I know everything about you Mark, I'm not trying to freak you out here and all, but you have to believe me. Your special, and someone's after you for that." the guy replied with.

Someone must've escaped from a mental institution Mark thought. Maybe if I called the cops...

"What's your name?" He asked the man.

"Just call me Mr.L." Mr.L said.

"Anyways, how am I suppose to trust you ? For all I know your a stalker that knows everything about me." said Mark.

"Or I'm some nice guy that's trying to save your life." Mr. L said. Though there was a hint if amusement in his voice.

Though it wasn't Marks fault that he didn't believe the crap this guy was saying.

"I want proof." Mark said into the receiver suddenly. "To prove whether or not you're someone I can trust."

Mr. L sighed. The boy was stubborn.

"Okay, at your school tomorrow something is going to happen. Then you'll believe me."

"And what's th-" started Mark.

But Mr. L had hung up on him.


"Mark! Over here!" yelled Jack. Mark just arrived at the school gates and Jack had spotted him instantly. It wasn't a surprise, seeing as they did this for each other every time.

"Sup Jack." He said. Mark was looking everywhere at the sight he was suppose to get from Mr.L. though he would like to just call him L.

"Hey, Mark you know that we have an assembly today right?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Supposedly there going to tell us something important. Like really important."

And that's when the chaos started.

"Evacuate the building now! Screamed the teachers that were all over the building.

"This isn't a drill!"

"Hurry out now!"

"Someone call the police!"

No one had any idea into what was going on but no one was going to stay in school any longer. Everyone got out of the school in an instant. Maybe it was a fire. But for some reason Mark didn't think that would happen. All of a sudden Jack pushed him a little and he started to move again.

Though Jack was looking at him like he was crazy.

"Are you crazy boy?! Come on!"

Mark gave him a confused look and then noticed that he was standing the whole time and didn't even move.

"Sorry dude." he said. And they left. They went with the rest of the students and left the building.

But there was something that was in a wall that made Mark stop and gawk at it. Then Mark remembered something the Mr.L said earlier.

'Okay, at your school tomorrow something is going to happen. Then you'll believe me.'

And he got his proof. because on that wall it said something that did prove Mr.L was right. it proves that he was in danger.


That's what it said on the wall. Mr.L.

He saw that Jack was already gone so he went ahead and kept on walking. Maybe I'm hallucinating he thought. Maybe I'm imagining it. But no, he went and looked at it again and saw the same thing.


Then all of a sudden his phone buzzed.

There was no ID so Mark went ahead and it read.

"You believe me now?"


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