The truth comes out

Start from the beginning

"YOU WILL NOT HARM MY DAUGHTER!" Zeus yelled, grabbing his master bolt and standing up.

At the same time, Poseidon took his trident and pointed it at the goddess of wisdom. "I DARE YOU TO TOUCH A HAIR ON MY SONS' HEAD"

"Zeus, calm down. The moderated caucus is still in order" Hera told from her seat. Taking a couple of deep breaths, Zeus calmed himself down and sat on his throne.

"Who wishes to speak next?" Apollo raised his hand, "Apollo, you have the floor"

The sun god stood up, "Thank you Your Honor. Delegates, we are here because of a simple reason...because we have to. Let's be honest, nobody likes being stuck here for hours fighting over stupid stuff. Today, however, the pattern of the meeting has been changed. First of all, we have visitors from all over the country! I mean, even Florida is representing...that's a first. With this change, a decision has been put in our hands. Do we unfairly punish the children? Or do we become the bigger persons and help these children through the tough times? As the god of prophecy, I know that the prophecy will occur regardless if we kill these innocent children. So why spill more blood into our hands? I say we let them live, cause when the time comes, they will remember our faces when they save Olympus" he sat back down

Ares stood up, "I say we kill them right now! That punk will doom us tomorrow if she gets the chance! We cannot allow a pitiful demigod to destroy us"

"I agree with Ares. Thalia Grace is a menace. She will turn 16 tomorrow and is nowhere near ready to save us from the Titans" Demeter told standing up

"SILENCE!" Zeus yelled, "Artemis, I like your proposal. We just need to see if she will take it"

"What proposal?" Hermes asked while texting on his phone

"As many of you know, the hunt is without a lieutenant. Thalia is a very strong, smart, and good maiden who I would gladly have on the hunt. If she so desires, I would like to offer her a place in the hunt, as a lieutenant. This would stop her from aging immediately, which would mean that the prophecy would no longer fall into her. So, Thalia, do you accept?" Artemis turned to Thalia.

The demigoddess daughter of Zeus did not like being put on the spot like that. Every being on the room was staring intensely at her, all waiting for her response.

Whether she said yes or no would affect her whole life. On one hand, she could live all her life as a fifteen-year-old, without knowing what a family feels like, or what a kiss tastes like. On the other hand, she would die if she said no to the proposal.

"I accept Lady Artemis" Thalia Grace grinned.

Artemis let out air that she didn't know she was holding.

"Great, now repeat after me" The goddess of the hunt proceeded to say the oath, which Thalia gladly repeated. Once Artemis accepted the oath, Thalia began to glow a silver color. She looked stronger and healthier, with more powerful energy surrounding her.

"Well that solves Zeus' daughter. Now, what should we do with Poseidon's kid?" Hephaestus asked, tired of seeing the hunt's ritual

"I propose we kill him. It is the only way we can be sure that he will not pose a future threat" Athena said

"I also believe he should be killed" Ares proudly stated

Artemis stood from her throne, "are we seriously suggesting that?! How can we punish those who have just saved us? If this is Olympian Justice, then I wish no part on it"

"And what? Join the Titans?" Athena mocked

"Why not? I am half titan after all, and you are behaving like them right now. I might as well stay neutral during this war" Artemis glared

Perseus: God of tides and childhoodWhere stories live. Discover now