Fuck buddies | chapter 27

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Kairi's pov🥱

I havent heard his name ever since he left mom. I cant even call him my dad. He hurted me, maiya and mom so much-

"Honey its ok. Im pretty sure he deserved it" mattia said hugging me

I sniffed and wipped my tears. He was right. But it still hurted hearing his name. His name brings back bad memories.

"Yeah.." i responded
"Cmon, lets get out before we get wrinkly" mattia said laughing a bit.

I giggle at the thought of a 'wrinkly mattia'. Haha he would look so stupid.

Mattia got out the bath and grabbed a towel to dry himself off a bit.

He dried his hair and reached out to me with his arms out. He did that grabby hands thingy. He looked so cute. I did the grabby hand thingys too and reached out for him. He grabbed me and picked me up. A lot of the water came out the tub with me, some even got on mattia dry skin.

I had my arms around his neck and he was holding me up on his chest. He tried to set me down but i refused.

"Cmonn kairi your heavy" mattia whined

I hugged his neck and held it tightly.

"Neverr!" I said playfully, almost choking him to death-

"Kairi! Ycho- tineh dick is poking my stomaCk" he tried saying while i was slightly choking him.

"Its not smol!" I said making a ">:0" face

Mattia laughed and smacked my ass. I was still wet(we know😏) from the water so it hurted like hell.

"OWE! MattiA" i shouted.
He just laughed. I got fed up and wanted to get down.
"Let me down" i told him
"Never!" He said mocking me, and squeezing me tightly.

I yelped and slapped his back.
"bruh- I HATE YOUUU" i yelled
"Oh hush, you love me." He said while slightly bending down to let the bath water out.

I gave in and stopped trying to get down. He then put me on the counter.

"Stay here and dry up ok?" He told me while handing me a towel.

I nodded and took the towel

He left the bathroom and I dried myself off.

I waited naked for a pretty long time.

"Mattiaaaa!" I shouted

He quickly came with a paper store bag.

"Sorry, here" he said handing me the bag
"Whats this?" I asked
"Just put it on" he said leaving and closing the bathroom door.




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