" Let me see your hands," He said holding out his. I slowly gave him mine and he started to clean all the cuts and wrapped my hand in bandage before doing the same with my other. 

" I brought a change of clothes for you," Flint said as he packed up the kit. 

" Thanks...," I said. 

He got up and before he walked through the door he said one last thing. 

" I'm sorry for what I did, you're free to leave because the person you are looking for isn't here," 

After he left and closed the door I got up off the bed and grabbed the clothes. 

" They look the right size, maybe a little big even," I say holding up the pants that are camo with many pockets. The shirt was black and short-sleeved holes in the back for my wings. Checked for any trackers and once I realized there wasn't any I changed into them and slowly opened the door. I popped my head around the corner and no one was there so I opened it all the way and walked out. 

After a couple of hours, I somehow figured my way out of the place of nightmares. I start running into the forest calling for Tristan until I hear him I laugh relieved that he's okay. I open my wings rolling my shoulders enjoying the feeling of having them out and getting the adrenaline rush of knowing that I'll be flying in the next second and I was. The wind in my hair and running through my feathers. Tristan finds me and we fly for a while until I see everyone else. Matthew, Emily, Deserae, Simeon and my brother Tyler. I land in front of them all they all smile and Tyler hugs me. 

" We did it," He said. 

" Wait, what, how?" I say pushing away from him. 

" You mean you don't remember?" He says. I shake my head. 

" Well, after we broke in to find Simeon we got separated because you held off the guards while we ran and looked for him. Once we did you were held captive and we don't know what happened to you after that but we couldn't stay there so we had to leave," 

" I don't remember any of that, I know I went and looked for him but everyone else I don't know where," I said. 

" Wait, does that stuff they gave me have to do with why I can't remember anything...," I mumble to myself. 

" Did you say something?" Tyler asks. 

" No, let's go this has been crazy," I said. 

It took us a week to get back to camp, yeah camp where we were supposed to be the whole time. When we did we only had a couple of days before camp ended. Which means summer is almost over. 

After that, all of us hung out you wouldn't see one of us without the other. 

The last day we were together we hardly talked. We all exchanged info to talk to each other. I was talking to Tyler when I hear a voice behind me. 

" I did as you told me sis," 

I spin around with a huge smile on my face, " Ethan!" 

He's smiling too " Hi," 

I open my arms and he comes running into them hugging me tightly. He pushes me away when he notices Tyler. 

" Whos him?" He asks. 

" He's family," I say smiling. 

" So, what did you do all summer?" another voice says. 

" Ummm...nothing big just fulfilling a prophecy," I say. 

" I see you still have your smart mouth," She laughs. 

" I missed you too mom," I say laughing. 

" Ready to go home?" She asks. 

" Not yet, I want to say goodbye," 

I walk away after that and I walk over to where everyone is they're all saying goodbye. 

" If you ever need a prophecy fulfilling you know who to call," I laugh and that makes everyone else too.

" We have to talk to each other!" Emily says. 

" I agree, considering what we've all been through we need to," Deserae says. 

" Well, I have to go, so...," I say. A second after I said that everyone hugged me. 

" Guys you're squishing me," I laugh hugging them tighter. After a minute we stop hugging. 

" Bye guys, thanks for the adventure it was fun, make a good book," I grin. 

I leave them with a tear in my eye quickly rubbing it away. I leave with my small family. Once I'm in the car. I see them all leaving with there families as well. I smile. Thanks for everything guys, I'll miss you. 

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