Chapter 29

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( Arkarian Prov )

I don't get too far when I hear Matthew running behind me. I look to see him, but that's not what really got me, the thing is he is really far behind me, and I mean really far, but I can hear him as if he was right next to me.
"Okay, that's weird," I say spinning back around picking up speed. 
"Slow down featherbrain, I can't keep up," Matthew says, I turn around to glare at him. He stops slightly and has a  surprised look on his face. 
"Can she hear me?!" I turn back around and stop, giving him a quick glare and look around to find a tree that would be hard for Matthew to climb but easy for me. When I do I run full speed, jump and start climbing, I make it halfway up the tree before I look down. Matthew isn't even close to where I am.
" Can't slow down now," I say to myself beginning to climb again, when I get to the top I look down to see Matthew halfway up.
"I'll wait for him," I said to myself, sitting down. 

* 2 minutes later * 

This is boring I think standing up again. 

" What's taking you so long?!" I yell at him.  He looks up with a dumbfounded look and replied, 

" I'm not used to climbing trees so sorry that it's taking me a while to," 

" Well hurry up," I say in a  bored tone. He glares at me and begins climbing again. After twenty more minutes, he was finally to where I am. 

" Well,  now that you're here, I can go," I say backing up to the trunk of the tree and start running at full speed and jump, I jump to the next tree almost missing the branch.  I grab the branch below the one I meant to grab and pull myself up. I stand on it taking a couple deep breaths and look in the direction of Matthews at, he has a shocked expression clear on his face and then he  closes his eyes tilts his head back runs his hand through his hair laughing  while saying,

" You got to be kidding me," 

" You had to know this was coming," I say smiling. 

" I should have," He answers. 

" Aren't you coming?" I ask.  He sighs, nods and backs up to get a running start, I smile moving out of the way. He runs and jumps but misses the branch completely and starts to fall. 

" Arkarian I could use your help!!!" panic in his voice. All I do is watch as he plummets down to the Earth. 

"Arkariaaaaannnnn!" He screams. I roll my eyes and walk off the branch falling fast, I pick up speed fast. He sees me and reaches out so I could grab his hand, I grab his hand, then I look at the ground my eyes go wide. it's too late, a few more seconds and we'll hit the ground, I think. Thinking fast I spin in the air pulling Matthew to my chest and brace for the impact, and good thing I did because the next second we hit the ground. It takes my breath away, I couldn't breathe for a few seconds, when I can breathe again I say,

" Why am I always saving you?" Matthew's on top of me and he sits up and replies,

" I have no clue," I stare at him not saying anything for a couple seconds.

" Get off me," I say with an annoyed voice. He stands up fast saying sorry. I stand up brushing dirt off my pants. I turn around and start running. 

" Really?!" Matthew yells at me. 

"  Yep," I said spinning around, I spin back around and run.  I run for a few minutes before I'm closed line hitting the ground unconscious and wake up tied to a tree. 

" Grrreeeeaaaat," I say in a sarcastic voice. 

" Thanks, Matthew," comes a voice that I know all too well. 

" I had a feeling it was you," I said to the voice. 

"Don't even think about trying to escape," Another voice says. 

 " I wouldn't dream of it," I say smiling. 

" You can't just keep running off like that," Another voice calls 

My brother, Emily, and Matthew spoke and where is Deserae?

"Right here,"  

" You keep running off and your the one that said you were going to get my brother back but you're always running away," I laugh at this. 

" You really don't get it do you?" 

" I ran away from the group so I could think and not to mention that I could figure out what my destined power is so I could get your brother back, so I'm sorry that your to dense to realize that,  also I thought you were supposed to be able to read minds, at least that's what you told me and if you did you would have figured that out faster than anyone here, or you did and you just didn't want to say anything," I say with a grin on my face. 

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