Chapter 24

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We all run at each other ready to give it are all. 

I jump into the air trying to see how everyone is doing.  Deserae has Sam on the ground screaming in fright, I know right away she found his fear and is using it against him. I turn to look at Emily and she changed into Noah,  trying to confuse him, it looks to be working.  Than I turn to look at how Matthew is doing against Angela. He's not doing to well he's holding back he doesn't want to hurt her. I need to help him. I think than I swoop down next to him. 

"Need some help?" I ask. 

" Couldn't hurt," He replies.

"This is cute, your going to help him,that's only going to get you killed," Angela says with a smirk.

" The only one that's going to die is you," I say bringing my hands into fists.  

" We'll see about that," She smiles and slowly brings up her hands by her sides.  I don't feel it at first, than I do the ground is shaking right under me, than I see them huge  roots come out of the ground wrapping around me making it so I can't get away, I look at Matthew looks like the same goes for him.  

"Matthew!" I scream 

" Right!" He screams back and the roots start to freeze.

"What the!?" Angela yells. Matthew brakes free and runs over to me and freezes the roots around me too. 

" Thanks," I say with a smile. 

" No problem," He replies. 

"Hey, stop acting like I'm not even here, I'm supposed to kill you," Angela yells at us like a spoiled child does when she doesn't get what she wants. We turn towards her. 

" I never thought you were one of us," She  says acting like she never even got all mad at us for ignoring her.

"That was the point," Matthew replies glaring at her. 

" You," She says rising her hand right at me giving me a death glare, I return her glare. Right when she was about to use her powers Tyler comes out of no were behind her and kills her with his power before she could kill me. 

" I didn't need your help," I say yelling at him.

" Clearly," He say with a smirk. Emily and Deserae comes running up to us. 

" The only person left is Brad," Emily says. 

"I'll take care of him," I say a smile spreading across my face. I start to walk towards him. 

"Be careful," Deserae says. I stop and turn around to face my team.

" No promises," I reply than I turn back around and start to walk towards Brad again. 

" Looks like it's just me and you now," I say when I walk up to Brad popping my knuckles.

" I believe so," He replies smiling. 

" But,you can't defeat me, you haven't awakened your true skill," He says to me. He's right!

" What do you mean by 'true skill'," I ask. 

" I thought my skill was my wings," I say

" No it's not, and you haven't awakened it yet, but it's supposed to defeat me for good," He says. I'm tick ed off by what he's saying.

" Enough talk!" I scream at him. 

" I see you still have anger issuses," He replies with a glare. I run at him, he dodges my attack and elbows me in the back, I fall to the ground. Thinking fast I  grab his foot and twist it making him fall to the ground. I take  this opportunity to get up. 

" Looks like I have to do what I did last time," I say looking down at him. He gives me a glare. I smile as I open my midnight black wings. I grab the collar of  his shirt  and fly up 40 feet into the air. 

" I don't need to find my powers to defeat you!" I yell in his face than I let him go, I watch him fall until he hits the ground...dead. I land and walk over to my team. 

" Let's go," I say, there all in shock of what I did. 

"Hey! We need to get out of here!" I yell at them, they snap out of it.

"Right,let's go," Tyler says, we all start running.

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