chapter 7

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( Matthew Prov) 

I wake to the sound of foot steps, I open my eyes to see Arkarian walking back with a spear in her bad hand in the other is two large trout. She looks so bad ass, her shorts are ripped now tank top has some blood on it her hand rapped, she looks like a rebel from a movie. She sees I'm staring at her " what do you want?" She hisses. I ignore the tone of her voice and get up. I limp towards her on the way I pick up a couple of her feathers, " What are you doing ?!" Slight panic in her voice "calm down, hold still" I put the two feathers in her dark blue hair. " There, now you look like a bad ass rebel," I say,her face turns a shade of light pink before she turns around and walks to the fire and starts cooking the fish.

( Arkarian Prov) 

What hell just happened, did he just call me a ' bad ass rebel'? I think, " Arkarian focus," I say between clenched teeth. My backs to him, I can't even look at him anymore, he's the cause of all my trouble since I got to camp. I want to go home I miss my mom  and brother.  I think.

 " your crying," he says next to me, I didn't even hear him come up behind me. 

" No, I'm not," I say still not looking at him. 

" But you are," he says gently grabbing my chin and wiping my face with his thumb. 

" see, yes you are " he shows me the tears on his thumb. I can't believe it I haven't cried since... no stop don't think about it. He's staring at me " Your eyes are beautiful " he says,  than I remember that he's the source of my troubles since I got to camp. I ignore the complement and stand up leaving  the cooking fish for him to deal with. 

" You can walk now, we'll head back tomorrow morning, " I said before turning around walking off to climb a tree. He doesn't say anything, the only noise was the nocturnal animals and the fire.

( Matthew Prov)

What did I do wrong? She's been giving me the cold shoulder since last night. I think as I poke the fire with a stick to stir up the wood to help keep the fire going. " What's going to happen when we get back to camp?" I whisper to myself in the night. There's a sudden breeze, a huge feather hits me in the face, I finally get it off and realize it's Arkarian's, I try to get a good look at it, the feather is black as night and soft. I decide to put it in my pocket. " she's the weirdest girl I've ever met" I say with a smile on my face.

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