Chapter 6

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Thunk, I fell out of the tree I was sleeping in. " That's one way to get up in the morning," I say getting to my feet. That was a crazy dream last night. I freeze when I see them, feathers like crows, I walk over and pick one up and than I notice it's to big to be a crows. The blood drains from my face when I realize that the feathers don't belong to a crow. Those are feathers belong to me! 

" If last night wasn't a dream," I say as I turn to face a still sleeping Matthew. Me falling out of the sky, him catching me, finding out I have wings, us kissing, I think . I can feel my face heat up. I have to distract myself I think walking to find more fire wood to get the fire going again. I stay away as long as I could, I even found some berries to eat. 

" I have to go back," I say sighing because I don't want to but I need to. When I get back I am greeted by an angry Matthew. 

" Where the hell were you?! When I woke up you were gone, I was starting to think you left for good," He says crossing his arms. I just frown. I walk to the makeshift fire pit and start putting the wood I got into it so I can make a fire. Once I get the fire going I stand up pointing to the berries than grab a stick next to me and walk to a tree take out my pocketknife and sit facing away from Matthew. I start striking the stick to make it a spear and with every strike I do my anger goes up, next thing I know I feel something wet and sticky on my hand, I look down to see my right  hand and spear I'm making covered in blood. 

"Greaaatt," I say sarcastically. I set down the spear and stand up, I walk to the stream washing the blood off my hand. When I take my hand out I can see where the cut is because it won't stop bleeding, it's in the middle of my hand. How the heck did I cut myself right in the middle of my hand? I stand up and walk away to get my bag, and my bag is right next to...Matthew. I sigh walking over, I bend down grabbing my bag Matthew sees my hand. 

" What happened to your hand?" He asks. I stand up. 

"It's fine," 

" No it's not," He says grabbing my hand pulling me to the ground next to him. He's now  look at my hand. 

" It's fine," I say pulling my hand from his.

"No it's not, it's deep," He says tightening his grip on my hand.

"ow," I say 

" Sorry, didn't mean to hurt you," He says 

" Let me help you," He says 

"I'm fine," I say. 

" No your not, now let me help you," He says with a serious look. He's serious about helping me. I think. Stubborn as I am I won't give up that easy. 

" I can take care of myself," I say poison dripping from my words. 

"Fine, just remember you don't have to to do everything by yourself all the time," He says letting go of my hand. I've finally gotten through to him that I can take care of myself. 

" I can take care of myself," I say between my teeth as I stand up. I turn around about  to walk away when I remember that my bag  is next to him,I turn around grab my bag and walk back to were my spear is. I plop down on the grass and open up my bag to see that the leftover pieces of my jumper are gone. 

"Matthewww!!" I say as I grind me teeth. I stand up backpack in my good hand. I march right back to him my blood boiling. 

" Mathew!" I yell at him.

"Hmm," He says opening his eyes. 

" You took the rest of my jacket didn't you!" I yell. 

" Yeah, so what, like you said you don't need my help," 

" You," 

"Now, now calm down, just ask nicely and I'll help you" He says calm as can be. I'm ticked off but I do need his help he has the pieces of my jumper and I need them for my hand. 

" Fine..I need your help!" I yell at him. 

" See now that wasn't so hard was it,"He says pulling a piece of my jumper out of his shorts pocket. "Give me your hand," He says holding out his. I slowly give him my hand. As soon as he has my hand he starts wrapping it, I stare at him while he does, he's so focused and gentle.  

" Now were even, your helped me and I helped you," He says proudly when he's done. 

"Thank you," I say than turn around and run back to were my pocketknife and spear I'm making is laying on the ground, I sit  down and get back to work. 

( Matthews Prov) 

" Why is she so stubborn and why won't she let someone help her?" I wonder. 

"Why is she like this?" I ask myself as I close my eyes. 

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