Chapter 42

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* Arkarian prov * 

"Lights...bright lights...hurt," I mumble.

" Looks like she finally woke up," Flint says, the next second I see a shadow looming over me. My sight is still blurry. I try to sit up only to be hit with a huge headache. 

" Oh, sorry I probably should have warned you not to do that," Flint said. 

" What do you want?!" I yell in his general direction. " Why can't I see!" I practically shriek," 

" One question at a time please," 

" You see, I want to continue the where they left off at, they were so close to a breakthrough of something huge and then you disappeared. Do you have any idea how long everyone here has been trying to track you down?! Since you vanished they've been looking! But we have you now! Doctor, please start," 

I can start to see clearly and I could see a short lady walk over with a syringe filled with a blueish liquid. I fight against my restraints but it was in vain. 

" Hold her down," She said, Flint holds me down by my shoulders and smiles. Fear creeps up out of the pit of my stomach making me want to barf. 

" Now, you'll only feel just a pinch," She said. The next second I felt the needle go into my skin and whatever was in it go into my veins slowly and painfully.  The pain is so overwhelming I after a couple of seconds I start screaming and pulling on my restraints digging into my ankles and wrists. 

" What's wrong with her?" Flint asks more disgusted then concerned. 

" She's not used to the altered DNA like she used to be so it's very uncomfortable," She said. 

" When will she not feel the pain anymore?" He asked. 

I can hardly understand what they're saying because I'm in so much pain until everything goes black. 

" What happened to her?! If you killed her, you'll be dead yourself!" He yelled at the doctor. 

" Yes, yes I know, she is isn't dead...yet," she said. 

" Well?" Flint said. 

" She blacked out from the pain she just needs sleep and food also water," 

He marched over to where the girl is covered in sweat, took off her restraints and picked her up like a bride and left without another word. He carried her to a room not too far away from the lab and laid her down on the soft bed and left. 

I woke up my whole body hurting with the slightest movement. When I open my eyes that I'm not in the lab anymore and I can move. I'm looking around the room when there's a knock on the door, the next second it's Flint with a tray of food, clothes and first aid. 

" I came to apologize about earlier," He said walking in setting down everything on the bed in front of me. I just stare at him for a second. 

" Why are you doing this? First, you tricked me almost killed me with whatever your crazy doctor gave me and now you're bringing me things," 

He sits on the corner of the bed, " I know what I did and I'm sorry, you seemed in a lot of pain and I'm sorry about that, I won't make you go through that again," 

" Here, I brought you food, I thought you might be hungry," He picks up the tray and holds it out to me. I slowly take it and start eating. 

" Once you're finished let me see your injuries," He said holding up the first aid kit with a  genuine smile. Once I was finished he took the tray and opened the kit. 

Black FeatherTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon