Chapter 40

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" we're here," they say. Nerd enters a code and then there's a beep a door appears opening slowly.
He walks in followed by Plague then me.

He stops and turns around once the door behind me closed.

" Nerd, he's on our side, he wants out, just like us,"

I stand there still dumbfounded about what's going on. Nerd walks over to a wall and it opens up and there are so many different weapons I've ever seen in my life. He goes and takes a handgun off the shelf it was on and puts it on his belt. He takes another gun off another shelf and hands it to Plague.

" Oh, by the way, my real name is Jack," Nerd said.

" Mine is, Garrett," Plague says putting away the gun Jack handed to him.
I stand there coming to the realization that they would have actual names and not the ones they first told me.
"So, what's the plan?" I ask trying to recover from the information I just learned. 

" We'll get out of here now," Jack said. Garrett walked to a different wall and tapped a button I couldn't see and the wall opened to a huge dark hallway. He turns around to face Jack and me. 

" Right, let's go," Garrett said.  We all begin to walk down the hall. There was a loud thud I spin around on my heel to see the wall close like it was never opened. All the light was gone when the wall closed behind us having no choice I keep walking. 

No turning back now I suppose. I think  

" We need to move quickly, it won't take long for them to realize that we're missing," Jack said as he started sprinting. " Oh, and don't make a sound," 

I do as I'm told being as quiet as I can I run alongside them. After what seems like thirty minutes  I see light up ahead and my heartrate sparks with a new flame of freedom that rushes over my body warming it head to toe. 

Jack stops dead in his tracks followed by Garrett. 

" What's wrong gu-," Was all I got out before Jack told me to shut up. All the warmth I felt gone, a distant memory now. Our exit blocked nowhere to go. Backed into a wall. 

" Well, well, look who tried to get away, you should know by now that you can't do that...Plague especially," Said the figure blocking our path. 

" The Devil finally decided to show his face," Jack said trying to act calm. 

" Why are you stopping us, Devil," Garrett said following Jack's lead. 

" Isn't it obvious that I"m here to stop you and bring you back,"  

I've heard rumors about this so-called " Devil" he is supposedly stronger than anyone. The Devil lets out a terrifying laugh that sent hot sweat running down my neck. He puts his dark almost burnt like hand towards us. I felt an intense heat behind me. I turn around to see a wall of flames blocking the tunnel, cutting off any exit he could. Figures, figures coming out of the fire. Demons, living fire. Demons that are laughing at being summoned by there master, ready to kill.  I laugh nervously to myself. 

" Hey, umm..Jack, we've got company behind us, what's your plan here?" I ask. 

" I never have a plan, I roll with it and hope for the outcome I want," He says not taking his eyes off the Devil.  

" You've got two choices here, one, you can come back with me alive and two come back with me dead," The Devil said. 

" I choose freedom," Garrett said. 

" Dead it is," He laughs. 

" Time to fight, Matthew," Jack yells as he runs right at Devil hand out ready to kill. The demons behind me scream an ear-shattering scream that sent goosebumps up my spine as they run full speed at Garrett and I  intent to kill us. Without thinking I run at them screaming back and use my ice and killing whatever is in my path to the wall of fire because as long as that's there more are going to come until we get overran and get killed by them. 

" What are you stupid!" Garrett yells at me as he dodged a demon. 

" We have to put out the fire, more will come, I"m the only one who can do it!" I yell back stopping in front of it the heat feels like it's going to melt my skin. 

" Don't fail me now ice," I said. Putting all my power into my hands I start trying to put the fire out. I felt like I was going to pass out between the coldness of my ice and the blistering heat I didn't know how much more I could take it. 

" Let me help," Garrett said coming out of nowhere. He touched my shoulder and started using ice the same as mine. 

" How'd you do that?" I said. 

" My power allows me to copy someone else's and use it until I touch someone else. Now focus!" He said. I only nod and work on the fire. With his help, we put it out before any more demons were able to come through, thankfully. 

"One down two to go," Devil laughs loudly. We turn around to see Jack laying on the ground motionless. The blood drains from my face as I see the blood covering him. The Devils hands dripping with our friends glistening dark blood.  

" You're next," Devil points at Garrett with a blood-covered finger. 

" We'll see," He said. He runs at him full speed and hits him in the face making it frozen. 

" You can't stop me with this pathic ice," He laughs as he grabs Garrett by his arm and looks him in the eye with a lust for blood and grabs his neck with his other friend. 

" You'll see your friend shortly," He smiles a mouth filled with shark-like teeth and with one motion and a crack Garrett's body went limp. 

" Two down, one to go," He smiles locking eyes with me. 

" I won't let that happen," I said glaring with hatred filled eyes. He just laughs at me, mocking me. I run at him going for his legs not his face like he was thinking and with my ice, I froze them. Before he could react I pulled out my gun and shot at him breaking the ice. 

" No more legs for you," I smirk. He screams as he starts to feel the pain of his missing legs. 

" You're smarter than the others," He says " I'll still going to kill you," 

I stay out of his reach not giving him a chance to strike, I wait for an opening to strike again. 

" It's not too late you know, you can change your mind, join us," 

" No thanks, I rather have freedom," 

" Such a pity, we could really use someone like you on our side," 

He tries moving slightly so he's not as in much pain leaving his neck open for a deadly attack. He looks away slightly and I take that chance and infuse ice with one of the bullets in my gun and shot his neck. He falls onto the ground burning everything around him. I walk up to him still staying away from him grabbing me and bend down. 

" You killed my friends, this is what you call revenge," I say poison in my voice. 

" You won't get away with this, you can't kill me," He spats at me as he starts choking on his blood as it pools and bubbles out his mouth. 

" Looks like I already have," I said and point the gun at his head and pull the trigger. After that it's silent. 

I walk over to where Jack and Garrett are laying dead. 

" You guys didn't deserve this," I say as I can't hold back the tears anymore. I dig their graves and lay them to rest. 

" Sleep well, you guys deserve it, keep each other company until I join you," 

Here lies jack, the one to the left said. To the right, it said here lies Garrett. 

" Rest in peace, my friends," was the last thing I said before beginning to walk away knowing I have to continue my journey. 

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