Chapter 30

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" I ran away from the group so I could think and not to mention that I could figure out what my destined power is so I could get your brother back, so I'm sorry that your to dense to realize that, also I thought you were supposed to be able to read minds, at least that's what you told me and if you did you would have figured that out faster than anyone here, or you did and you just didn't want to say anything," I say with a grin on my face. She looks taken back but doesn't say anything, no one does, I just smile at her knowing I'm right. 

Emily breaks the silence. " Is that true? You knew what she was doing and you didn't say anything?" 

Still smiling I say " Or maybe she doesn't want to find her brother," 

My brother speaks up before anyone could say anything else. " You make a valid point sister, but there's only one way to make sure,"  He turns towards Deserae. 

" Did you know and in fact know and you didn't want to rescue your brother?" 

"No, I didn't know this is all new information to me, and that's saying something," Deserae replied.   I start laughing, 

" Oh my god, I can't believe you're actually lying, this is hilarious," I say between a laugh. Deserae doesn't say anything she just stares at me, I glare in return. 

I can't believe you lied when I'm right here. I think then I hear laughter in my head. 

Do you really think they'll believe you, I wasn't the one that ran away, so who would you think they'll take your word over mine? 

I won't forgive you for this.

I'm counting on it. 

I break my eye contact with her, I stare at the ground in disbelief that she really did that, my best friend, the one person that I trusted, had my back....guess not. 

" What should we do with her?" Deserae askes my brother. 

" Make Matthew take care of her," Emily said before my brother could answer. Matthew quietly listening to the side of everyone, gives me a quick look before looking at my brother waiting for an answer. 

" All right," He answers. I flinch, great. I think looking at Matthew, his expression doesn't change doesn't even look at me. 

* That night * 

" we're going to go get firewood, food, and water," Tyler says. 

" Okay, have fun," I say in a sarcastic voice. As soon as they're out of earshot I brace against a tree to help me stand up. 

" You know you can't leave right?" Matthew asks. 

" Maybe maybe not you don't if I can or not," I reply looking at him. A smug smile spreads across his face. 

" Hey, do me a favor and cut the rope for me," I say.

" Sure, if you don't run away," 

" I won't, Emily has my bag, I'm not going anywhere without it,"

" Fine," He replied as he walked up to me. 

" Turn around so I can cut the rope for you," I turn around and wait anxiously to be rid of the rope. 

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