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At Grimmauld Place, Remus' heart was pounding. He wanted so badly to avoid meeting the rest of the Order and explain the whole situation.

"Come here, Remus! Take this!"
While putting a wet handkerchief on his lip, Remus noticed she covered the wound with her sleeve.

"I- I have something to tell you..."
"Alright, go on."
"Well, I... uh... You asked me what..." He took a deep breath. "Those wizards were trying to arrest me because... I attacked Lucius."

"Wait, what? You did what?"
"Just let me explain..."
"Of course I want an explanation, Remus. What do you mean you attacked Lucius?"
"I was spying on him and-"
"That's what spying means to you? I can't believe you did that! What were you thinking? Lucius will do anything to kill you! I know that man since I was little-"

Remus cleared his throat.
"Listen...", Tonks was so disappointed he almost couldn't look at her, "he was talking with a Death Eat, r and he said some, errr..., some horrible things about you and..."

He took her wrist in his hand.
"How did you know about this?"
"Who did this to you?"
"Well, I have no idea, to be honest."
"It was Lucius. I was there. I saw him."

Tonks looked at h, m confused.
"While you were talking with Arthur, Lucius cast a spe, l, and it hit your wrist." Remus continued touching her wound gently.
"Don't tell me that you attacked him just because..."

Remus continued to examine her wound.
"You shouldn't have done that!" she sa, d biting her lip. "I know Lucius is a terrible person, n but... You know, Remus, you could have ended up in Azkaban, I can't believe yorisked-d-"
"I had to!"

They gazed at each oth, r and Tonks felt her heart doing flips.

Their moment was suddenly interrupted by Kingls, y who slammed the door; he entered the room and shouted:
"Oh, Lupin, you son of a b!tch..."

Remus had never seen Kingsley so angry before.

"Lo, k everybody, this is the man who wanted to become a hero! What did I tell you before going after Lucius: "You must be cautious!" But it seems like telling you that for a thousand times haven't been enough for you!"

The rest of the members were staring at Remus.

"Do you realize whayou haveou done? Instead of listening to me, you decided to attack him! He knows you were spying on him, he will tell Voldemort, then he will kill us all, the Order won't exist anymore and Voldemort will win the war just because of you!" Kingsley yelled.
"We had to help you run aw, y, and we didn't finish to obliviate all those people. Are you proud of what you've done? Answer me!"

Remus was just looking at him, not saying a word.

"We trusted you, Lupin... I don't know what's wrong with you, but I don't think you can be part of thOrderer anymore."

Tonks tried to prote, t but Molly put her hand on her shoulder.
"Leave them alone, sweetie..." she whispered.

"To make this situation even worse," Kingsley continued, "Nymphadora thought it would be very funny to make her hair long and white and shout: "Wotcher, Uncle Lucy!", while she was trying to save Remus' a$$."

Remus tried to fight a smirk.
"That childish behaviour makes me think that she also shouldn't be member-r-"
"No! Do not get her involved in this, Kingsley, I'm the guilty one, not her!" Remus burst.
"Oh, so now you decide to speak? Stop defending her all the time! She doesn't always need your help."

Remus nodded rigidly, slow, and avoiding eye contact.

"So... tell us! What made you react like that?"
That question again. He crossed his arms over his chest.
"I can't tell you."
Kingsley sighed.
"You can't tell us? Really? You're acting like a child."

Kingsley left the room, and Remus remained alo, e feeling miserable. He took his coat and left the Grimmauld Place before throwing something on the floor.

Outside he took a deep breath. His eyes were drowning in tears. His behaviour almost ruined the wholOrderer and their purpose of defeating Voldemort.


Remus had spent a few hours walking in a park, trying to empty his mind, before the sun slowly started to fade away.

He didn't want to go home. He wasn't tired at all. He realized that the full moon was just a few days aw, y and that was the reason why the wolf inside him seemed more agitated than usual.

His thoughts were immediately interrupted by Ton, s who appeared out of nowhere and grabbed his arm.

"Oh man, I've been searching for you for so long!" she said, catching her breath. "Everybody wants you to remain in the Order, but you will have to tell them what made you lose your temper."
"Oh, I'll handle that. And what about you? They didn't throw you out, did they? I am the one who did that foolish thing!"
"Everything is fine, don't worry about me."
"I know Kingsley got m, d but... I really wish I had the chance to hear you say: "Uncle Lucy!". I bet Malfoy's face was red as a tomato!" he said, giggling.

"I've always wanted to say that, and believe me, it was really red. Umm, listen... I just want to apologize for getting angry at you, I've just made the situation worse and-"
"I should be the one who apologizes, Dora. It's my fault, not yours." Remus interrupted her softly.

As their eyes met, Remus was nervous again. After a second too long, they broke the gaze.

"How are you feeling? Is your lip still hurting that bad?"
"No, it isn't." he lied.

They stopped talking, and Tonks found herself wrapping her arms around him. He hugged her back, leaning down his head on her shoulder. Tonks' hair was red, and it smelt like apples. Remus loved that smell even if he wasn't used to it.

"I didn't know you were such a good fighter. The next time we're fighting with Death Eaters, you should just punch them."

She knew her feelings were exposed by her hair, but she didn't want to think too much about it.

After giving his body a last squeeze, Tonks placed a kiss on his cheek. Remus tried his best to keep the blush off of his cheeks.

"I hope you get well soon. See you tomorrow."

you're the light in my dark. (remadora)Where stories live. Discover now