wounds 2;

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Nymphadora Tonks had never felt such desperation before. The entire school was collapsing under the attack of the Death Eaters. They were all fighting, even the kids, while trying to resist the dark forces. She was scared for their life, for their future... for Remus! But where was he? 

Running with her wand in her hand, ready to protect herself, she was searching for her husband. The chaos was all around her, corpses lying at her feet, terror and fear, but the man with whom she shared so little time together was nowhere to be found. Tonks heart ached when dark thoughts fogged her mind. "Could he be...?" She stopped and took a deep breath. She longed for love, comfort, and happiness. She wanted this war to be over already. She was exhausted and felt like her body could no longer serve her. 

Tonks continued to search for Remus when Bellatrix appeared right behind her back. Sweating profusely, she battled her aunt fiercely. Bellatrix's histerical laughs haunted Tonks as she was trying to resist her aunt's spells. While she was praying for her life, another wall collapsed. An injured Tonks coughed on dust and got dragged by a student. Bellatrix yelled and tried to reach her nephew. Tonks could feel warm blood on her hands. Feeling numb, she closed her eyes, waiting for the pain to take over her, waiting for her husband...

At least, that's what she remembers. Not too many details. Not that she wants to remember that night anyway. 

"Tonks dear, I know you've been told this enough, but you must try to eat and hydrate more. You're so thin, I don't want you to get ill." Mrs Weasley said. 

But Tonks could't stop staring at the yellow liquid in her cup.

"Thank you, Molly. I appreciate your help, I really do. But I'm already ill. I don't think I'll ever feel any better."

"Oh sweetheart, don't say that -"

"No, Molly, I mean it. It's been too long, and I don't feel any better. I think my body has given up on me. My head hurts. The nightmares won't stop..."

"You're a pessimist, Nymphadora! I truly believe in you." Mrs Weasley squeezed her hand and smiled radiantly. "You're a brave young girl, but you don't give yourself credit for it. You're a warrior- No, no, don't give me that look, you truly are! It's been how much, 11 months...?"

"Almost a year-"

"Almost a year, and you already want to feel better? A year might seem like a lot of time, but not when it comes to healing. You've come so far. You'll eventually learn how to handle grief. Keep pushing on!"

"Molly... I miss him, Molly, I..."

"Of course you do. You two had a very strong bond. And I believe it continues to grow stronger. He feels your love. And also loves you back."

"You've been so kind to me, Molly. How am I supposed to thank you?"

"Oh, don't mention it." She pinched Tonks' cheeks. "You're like a daughter to me..."

"No wonder I get along with Ginny so well!" Tonks laughed.

The two women continued to look at each other until Molly broke the silence.

"Wherever Remus is right now, he is very proud of you. I bet he continues to watch over you and Teddy."

Tonks sighed. Her husband was nowhere to be found. They searched for him, and eventually, he was declared dead. She couldn't accept it, and the pain she felt was unbearable. But pain is now like a friend to her. It has found home deep down in her soul. She can't seem to get rid of it. Teddy reminds her of Remus. The little boy looks so much like his father.

"Stay over another night. We'll be pleased to have you with us some more time."

"I can't, I've already caused you so much trouble..."

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