Rick stumbled out of the room, seeing Shane, Otis and Emilia jogging towards the house. "Is he alive?" Otis questioned, pain smeared on his face. Rick nodded slowly whilst rubbing his face, painting it with Carl's blood.

The three of them went back into the room leaving Emilia outside of the room, to see Natalie applying pressure onto the wound.

"You know his blood type?" Herschel questioned looking at Rick.

"A - Positive," Rick said instantly, "same as mine."

"Good," Natalie said turning around to look at him, "don't leave now, I'll need you, he's lost and still losing a lot of blood."

"What happened?" Herschel questioned, looking at Otis.

"I-I was tracking a buck, bullet went through it-it went clean through," Otis responded sadly.

"The deer slowed down the bullet," Natalie said looking at Otis, trying to comfort everyone with her words, "it definitely saved him life, but it broke up into pieces. I can get the fragments out, from what I'm seeing, I'm counting six."

"My wife," Rick sobbed, "my wife doesn't know." Shane ran for him and pulled him into a hug. Mumbling into his ear.

It had calmed down for a bit, Carl's bleeding had slowed down but not completely, it needed to stop bleeding before Natalie could start getting the bullet fragments out.

"Auntie Maggie, Auntie Beth!" Emilia cheered. The two women ran and grabbed Emilia.

"Emilia!" Maggie cried with a smile on her face. "Are you alright?" Emilia nodded whilst her head was buried into Maggie's neck. "How was the journey here?"

"It was rough, but mama took care of us." Emilia smiled.

"I'm sure she did," Beth said, "it's been so long, last time we saw you, you were this tall!" Beth said pointing halfway up her thigh. Emilia giggled.

"Was that boy your friend?" Maggie asked nodding her head towards the room that held Carl.

Emilia looked down and tears appeared in her eyes, "Yeah his name is Carl, he's really nice we met him and his family on the highway."

"You know, if anyone can fix someone who's been shot it's you mother," Herschel said smiling coming round the corner.

"Papa!" Emilia laughed then running to him and hugging him.

"How's my favourite granddaughter been?" he said picking her up.

"I'm our only granddaughter!" She said laughing.

"Dad!" Natalie called from the other room. Herschel set down Emilia before rushing into the room with Maggie. "He's stopped bleeding, it's time to take out the bullet," Natalie announced. She looked over at her father, "I'll need your help."

"Anything." Herschel said giving her a comforting smile, "you can do this." he came behind her and held Carl down.

She brought out the tweezers and started to dig inside of him, in hopes of getting the bullet piece out.

Not even a minute in Carl woke up and started screaming from the pain. "He's losing blood," Maggie said spectating from the side.

"Get Rick," Patricia spoke, "I'll get the blood transfusion ready."

Maggie came back in with Shane and Rick, "Beth stay with Emmy, Shane come here and hold him down." Natalie said.

Carl screamed in agony and called for his dad. Natalie finally, managed to get hold of a piece and as she bought it up Carl squirmed even more.

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