Am I really your friend..?

Start from the beginning

"Gee thanks. I'll be right back. I'll just go grab another chair." Lawrence said as he left while shrugging his shoulders.

I massaged my temple, feeling the headache grow stronger. 

"...Did something happen?" Shirly asked in a careful tone.

"Nothing... I'm just tired." I succinctly replied and gave her a half smile. 

"Are you sure? You can talk to me about it, you know." She urged. 

I shook my head. "I'm fine. I'll sleep it off later."

"...Rui, you're making me really worried... Lawrence and I-"

"It really is fine. I just need you to give me a moment of silence, please." I snapped, my tone sounding a little too harsh. I shut my eyes and turned my head away with a sigh. "I'm sorry... I'm just not in the mood." 

"..Oh... Okay. I see." She said, but she couldn't hide the hurt in her eyes as she took a slurp from her coffee. "I just wanted to try and be helpful but it seems it was unnecessary." 

"You know that wasn't what I meant." I brushed my hair back in exasperation. 

"I know that. Of course, I know that... You are always so independent, you don't ask for anything unless necessary. But Rui... what am I here for? Even when you've overworked yourself to death, you still won't turn to me. We're friends but I feel like whenever I try to close the distance between us, you always take three steps back-" 

I frowned at her words. "You know I don't do that. And the reason why I don't talk to you about things is exactly because I treasure our relationship." I felt like my heart would burst out of frustration. "I don't want to burden you with my problems. You're an important person to me. You and Lawrence! That's why I couldn't possibly...-"

As I muttered my thoughts, I couldn't understand why she was looking more and more stupefied. "Who said anything about feeling burdened..? Did you hear me say it? Did you hear Lawrence say it? Had I thought about such a thing, I wouldn't have asked you what's wrong multiple times!" 

She doesn't understand. Not Shirly who can smile with a carefree attitude. 

"...So what are you saying? Does being friends always have to mean being nosy with each other's business and knowing every detail of my life? I also need time for myself-"  

"And exactly when have you ever not needed time for yourself? Had I not dragged you outside, you would have stayed cooped up in your apartment having all the time to yourself-" 

I huffed at her ludicrousness. "Ha! So you expect me to thank you for forcing me to go out with you even though you knew I obviously didn't want to? Sure! Thanks a bunch, Shirly!" 

A look of pure disbelief appeared on her face. "...All I...-" She paused, gulping first before resuming, "All I wanted was to know more about you." Her voice cracked at the end, she had to take a long breath. "Have you ever not thought it weird that despite being friends, I don't know your favorite color? Because I have... I don't know your hobbies. I don't know what movies you like to watch. Heck I don't really know if you're feeling fine, at all. I don't know anything about you aside from the fact that you're Rui Hughes and you're an intern at the same company as me. Do you know why I don't know an inkling about you?" 

I opened my mouth to reply but no words came out.

"Figures... It's because you... don't talk to me at all... Well anyway, sorry for being nosy." 

The chair cluttered, signaling me that she stood up. Then she gave me one last look before turning away to leave. As for me, I was left sitting with a cold cup of coffee and a desolate atmosphere for company.

This scene feels familiar...

A minute later and Lawrence came gasping with a chair, "Huh? Where's Shirly?" 

"...She left." I muttered after some time. There was a creak from across me hinting me that Lawrence must have sat in Shirly's chair. 

"...Did the two of you fight?" 

I nodded solemnly. "I'm sorry Lawrence... Can you please catch up to her and make sure she's alright?" 

He sighed. "This is why she's angry at you, you know..." 

I pursed my lips at his comment. "I hope the two of you will patch this up soon... Call me whenever, okay?" 

I nodded but I wasn't really sure if I could call him. How could I? Shirly needs him more.

I wonder if I'd been jinxed by Cheska Perkinsons just now? I sighed.

Later on, I called Mr. Pyo and asked for a leave the whole week. He must have noticed the exhaustion in my voice because he readily agreed. After which, I shut my phone again, ignoring the growing number of notifications in my inbox and missed calls.


"Boss, she just rode her train home."

I looked at the clock and saw that it was nearing six. "I see. Did anything happen?"

"Ah. I think she had a fight with her friend."

Was that really all?... "Okay. Continue keeping watch."

She also read my messages with Mr. Dane, didn't she? That means she knows about the things I've done. As for Joshua's message, there wasn't really much information there so I shouldn't worry but...

I still feel uneasy.

I brushed my fringe back as I leaned against my chair.

I didn't think my phone would fall on the bed while I was tucking her in. I was always so careful so I didn't bother putting a password but that may need to change.

There was a knock and the door opened. Kassis entered my office.

"Boss, we've just located Alex Renato's whereabouts. I already contacted our trusted men to get her."

"Good... Contact Lilac and tell him to increase security around Rui Hughes. Our enemy would have realized that Jellal Renato's mouth had been pried open so they're going to prawl the gutters to get even."

I stood up and wore my suit before calling Rui one last time.

The number you have dialed is either unattended or out of coverage area..-

How many times do I have to hear that automated voice before she answers? Goddammit...

"Also, inform the president to take care of business. I'll be taking a vacation."

"...Will do."

I stormed out of the office and rode the elevator quickly. She didn't say I couldn't visit her at her apartment, did she?


A/N: Thanks for sharing your thoughts and for the votes! I appreciate it. :)) 

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