The Heist

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Every summer Ian goes to his cousin's house, her step mother Mary lives there as well because she has been disowned by Ian's bigoted family for being a woman of color.


Once Ian was dropped off at the side walk by his father, he marched up to the door while tugging his backpack.

Ian has a secret, he likes to wear and sometimes use diapers, besides the fact he's 16 years old. His cousin had a daughter three years ago but her pampers have been way too small to fit, but he knows that her diapers will fit him this year, he's done research.


Ian knocked on the door and stood waiting to enter.

His aunt Mary was the one to invite him in, Ian personally didn't treat her differently because of her race.

Mary welcomed and lead Ian to the living room so he could see how his baby cousin was doing. She was sitting in a pile of toys and watching TV. His cousin Jazmine, who was preparing dinner, finally noticed his arrival and yelled welcoming things at him.

Mary and Jazmine allowed Ian to go into the guest room to store his things, but he remembered his secret mission when he saw the changing table through a doorway across the hall.

Ian snuck in and grabbed the largest diaper he could find, he unfolded it to quickly check if it fits...

But suddenly Jazmine yells his name, proceeded by a call to dinner. Ian had a mini heart attack and shoved the diaper into his coat pocket.


Jazmine has prepared a stake dinner and some meat flavoured baby food for them to enjoy at the dining table, Ian clumsily gets stake sauce on his chin and grabs his napkin so he can wipe it off, but it slips off the table and he reaches for it.


J: "IAN!"

I: "..."

J: "Why do you have one of my diapers in your pocket!?"

I: "uh, uh, um..."

M: "It fell off of a baby doll that Nora had, he must have forgotten to return it. Right Ian?"

I: "Y-y-yeah, I swore I gave it back."

J: "Oh I'm sorry honey, please forgive me raising my voice."

M: "I'll take that Jaz, enjoy the rest of your delicious meal."


Aunt Mary went into her bedroom and came back into the kitchen to clean some dirty plates and utensils. Once Ian finished he stood up and handed the plate to Mary. Mary set the plate on the counter and grabbed Ian's hand.

M: "I have something to show you."


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