Chapter 6- Mixed

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Patrols are nice.
Patrols are amazing when you can mess with your girlfriend.
Patrols are awful when you get a call from Ivy and Harley saying Marinette is missing. I had just entered my room when I saw sitting there was the one person I didn't want to see for a very, very long time.
"Good, your here."
"Mother. What. Are. You. Doing here?" I asked through gritted teeth. I have to find Marinette.
"Calm down, I know where your girlfriend is."
I froze. No. Please say she isn't going to say-
"I have her."
Shit. I had a katana in my hand before I even realized what I did, I tackled her to the floor and held it against her throat.
"Where is she."
I watched Talia shrug. "She could be here, or there, but you won't find her. She is occupied at the moment."
"Where is she!!"
"You have three days to find her. You get two clues. First clue, her secret started with an alley, but died at work."
No. No no no.
"No more games. What do you want?"
She smirked "you know what I want."
"I am not rejoining the league."
"Oh, that's not all. Your girlfriend is very powerful, and I want to see how much my grandfather has taught her."
I froze. Grandfather taught Marinette?
Talia chuckled, "I see the gears turning. She is a miraculous holder is she not? Your grandfather was the grandmaster, then he passed on. You should learn about your family history more. In the prophecy it says that the heir to the demon and the daughter of the guardian were to be wed to create a new cult."
I frowned " you do know that Marinette and I have been dating for three years now, right??"
"Yes, and she is being tested. I am still your mother. I want to meet my new daughter-in-law."
I growled "we aren't getting married yet. Trust me I already have a plan!! You will just ruin it!!!"
I yelled.
I felt Talias body lock up. I saw confusion pass over her eyes, before going dark.
"You are going to propose?" She asked confused
I sighed "yes, I was going to pick out a ring today. Then Marinette went missing. So mother, bring her back." I said the last part through grit teeth.
I watched intently, as Talia sighed and slowly got up, forcing me to move. "Alright. But if your not engaged soon. I'm taking her back to go through tests."
I shivered. There is no way Talia is getting his hands on Marinette. Talia slowly walked over to the window and jumped out. As I watched the silhouette disappear, I realized that if I didn't have Marinette in my life, things would be really difficult. Tim would be able to sleep properly, Dick would still be scared to date, Jason would be more violent, and I.... I would lose my self more. I sighed and turned back to my bed. I can't even sleep, when I know something is wrong. I walked to the kitchen and frowned when I saw Tim sitting there with his head on the table and coffee in his hand. Slowly I sling him over my shoulders and carried him to his room. Instead of leaving at sat and watched him sleep.

I woke up with my hands typed down, and people standing in a corner. I yanked on my hands and began to struggle when they didn't move.
"Don't struggle. We just want to talk." A woman stepped out, arms crossed.
"A-About what?" First tactic, act scared.
The woman chuckled "well, your dating my son."
I froze. This was Talia. "Well, Talia, it's nice to meet you but I have to head home." I say
"Sorry, not going to happen."
I was about to protest when I felt a knife slice my legs. I held back my scream. Sweat slid down my head, as they dragged it out and down my leg. I held my tongue. They weren't going to break me. I haven't broken yet, they won't see me do it for them. I stared Talia in the eyes, as the knife cut deeper. I glared at her. Then she flicked her wrist and the pain stopped.
"Well, my dear, you a lot stronger than you look. Now if you excuse me. I have to see my son now. Knock her out."
Before I could protest I was out cold.

When I woke up, I was being cradled in arms the I didn't recognize. I struggled trying to get up.
"Hey, hey, it's ok. Your home." Harley.
"He's on his way."
I groaned as sat up. My skirt was covered in my own blood. They cut designs into my leg. I pulled out my sewing kit, threading the needle. I pulled out gauze and alcohol wipes. I clenched my teeth and wiped away the blood on the cut. I groaned as it stung. I felt the tears wheal up in my eyes. I took the needle and began to sew while the pain number the cut. It too a while but I got the first part of the cut done. I took a few deep breaths before starting on the next section. Taking the alcohol wipes, I wipes the cut and this time I didn't hold back my scream. The tears flowing faster. I took another pass before readying the needle. I felt a hand grab my shoulder, but I blocked it out, as I started to stitch my skin together. When I finished I sagged a little, the pain getting to me. I dipped the needle and fell back. My breaths coming out in sobs and pants. I felt arms warp around my body, and a kiss to my head.
"It's ok Angel. I'm here."
Damian. I felt my whole body relax. I felt something wet land on my neck. I looked up and saw tears running down Damians face. I slowly, so painfully slow, wiped them away. Our eyes locked and I pulled his face down to mine and kissed him. Slowly. He replied almost immediately. He moved one of his hands to cup my cheek. He slid his tongue against my bottom lip, asking permission to enter. I opened for him. His tongue lazily stroked mine, trying to comfort me. I pulled back just enough to see his eyes, full of pain and guilt.
"It's not your fault. Your not your mother."
"You don't know the half of it." His chuckle was dark.
"Don't go down that path. Trust me, been there, done that."
"Fine" he sighed as he kissed my head. He hauled me up into a standing position and walked me to the couch. By walked me, I mean he carried me all the way over.
"Damian I can walk. This isn't my first rodeo with this kind of thing."
"I know, but mother has a thing against me being happy. Where is Tikki?"
As if she were summoned she zoomed into the room and latched onto my cheek.
"Marinette your ok."
"Yeah, could you help me out." I asked pointing to my leg. She gasped before nodding. She zoomed over and hovered above my leg. I closed my eyes and concentrated. There was a slight glow then nothing. I looked and my leg was healed. I sighed and flopped back on the couch. Grabbing a cookie from the side and handed it to Tikki. She gave a quick thank you before flying off. I turned to Damian who looked shocked.
"What??" I asked
"Your leg is healed, how?"
I giggled at his expression. "Magic. Being Ladybug helps in more way then one. Downside is hibernation. Adrien and Chloe know this better than anyone."
"What's that suppose to mean?"
"Well, since my adopted parents weren't caring of me, they made sure I was warm enough not to fall into hibernation."
He laughed "Your like a bear!!!"
I gasped and hit his head. "I am not!!!" I yelled back
He laughed but grabbed my hand and kissed it. I know.
"I am still doing my fashion show tomorrow. Your going to hate it."
He groaned and kissed me. "You really are going to kill me."
I stood up, much to his protests and walked to the living room. It was nine in the morning. I have to be at the gardens in an hour. I changed into a pair of black spanks with a red tank top with a yellow strip at the bottom. I also placed a black hoodie on that said, if you can't beat them, try harder on it. I smirked walked out. Damian had apparently brought a change of clothes, because he rushed over and gently traced my thy. He looked me in the eyes, so he could see the effect he had on me. I grabbed his hand and entwined our fingers.
"No touching, remember?" I said with a smirk.
"You cruel wicked thing." He murmured back.
I googled and walked out. Tikki snuggled into my hoodie pocket.

When we got there, the class was already outside the gates waiting. I smirked as Chloé and Adrien ran up.
"Mari, where have you been?!" They yelled
"I was having dinner with my boyfriend and his family. I met his mom last night."
"How did that go?" Adrien asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Honestly, she could have done worst."
I felt Damian stiffen. I kissed his cheek. He did not like that answer one bit.
"Do you know what we're doing today??" I asked, trying to change the subject.
"We are touring for now, then free time." Chloé replied.
I turned to Damian and winked. "Plenty of time." I said.
He flushed, then nipped at my ear. I giggled and walked in. I saw Aunt Ivy waiting for us inside.
"Aunt Ivy, what are you doing here?" I asked as I tackled her into a hug.
"Well, Marigold, I am in charge of touring the Gardens. Besides, Tim wanted to come but, he is sleeping."
I slowly turned to Damian, who smirked.
"What, your not the only one who can get Timmy sleep." Was his only reply.
Giggling we walked over to the group. I noticed Lila crying in the corner, and Alya glaring at me. I slowly walked to the other side of the group and waited for Aunt Ivy to release us.
"Alright class, today we will be looking at the Gardens today. You have an hour to look around before lunch, then free time. Meet back here at 11." Ivy said
With that we all separated. Damian, Chloé, Adrien and I went one way and the rest of the class went the other way. We walked around, me stopping every once and awhile to draw. One time we stopped they decided to walk a little ahead of me. I sat beside a pond, and smiled as the rays from the sun as they danced across it. I had just gotten up when I felt someone pull me back and slam me on the ground. I looked up and saw Alya glaring at me, and Kim holding my hoodie down.

"You bitch. How could you be so mean, and ruin her hoodie!!" Alya yelled
I stared back. "Really?? She has it. I saw her stuff it behind a bush on the walk in." I stared
"Bull shit. Kim take the hoodie."
Before I could do anything, my hoodie was ripped from my body, and I was left there in the cold air. No. No. No. I felt my eyes droop, and a yawn escape me. I barely saw Alya leave with Kim and my hoodie. I felt my eyes flutter, before I passed out.


Where is Marientte? She stopped to design a few mi jets back, but she hasn't caught up yet. I shared a worry look with Chloe, as I saw Alya hand Lila a hoodie. A hoodie that looked like Marinette's.
"What's wrong Adrien?" Chloé asked
"Lila has Mari's hoodie." I state and point to the group.
Chloé and I took off back the way we came, when we got to the pond, and saw Marinette laying on the ground, eyes closed. I looked back and saw Damian watching. I took off my jacket and wrapped it around Mari. Chloé doing the same.
"Damn, her hibernation is bad this time around." Chloé whispered
"So this is what she was talking about." Damian murmured
I saw Mari, slowly regain consciousness. She tried to sit up, but I pushed her back down.
"Hey, take it easy."
"Shhh, I know. We'll get it back. I think Damian is getting it now." I whispered. I played with her hair and noticed that Tikki was nowhere to be found. I looked around, and saw Lila hold up a little red bug in the air. I saw Chloé clench her hands into fists. I looked back and saw Damian forcefully remove Marinette's hoodie from Lilas body, and grabbed Tikki from Alya. He stormed over and helped put it on Marinette. We watched as Mari slowly stretched out and looked around.
"Not again, she mumbled."
I sighed "Yep. Alya and Kim took your hoodie, and you fell into hibernation for a few minutes."
I watched her stiffen. Then she slowly traced her thy. Like she was reliving something. I didn't get a chance to ask, for Damain came and scooped her up. I looked at Chloé and we walked away. I grabbed her hand and frowned.
"Is she going to be ok?" Chloé asked
I held my breath "I don't know. I hope so." I brought her hand up and gave it a quick kiss. I watched Chloé brighten. And laughed as she tried to hide the flush in her cheeks.

I could hear just fine. I couldn't feel anything but the knife. I just traced. I felt a hand on my wrist, and a hand rubbing circles on my back. I felt a breath against my ear.
"Angel, you need to breath."
Breath? I'm not breathing? I thought I was.
"Listen to my breaths."
I tried to copy him, and smiled when I found out I did. I turned and smiled at Damian.
"Thank you."
He kissed me deeply, reassuringly. I kissed back just as much. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I pulled him closer and deepened the kiss. His arms wrapped around my waist. We just kissed. Just to comfort each other. When he pulled apart he tucked his head in my neck, and just breathed me in. I did the same to him. We pulled apart when my phone vibrated. My alarm.
"Ready for a fashion show?" I smirked
"No, you know how handsy I can be." He smirked back as he bit and sucked my sweet spot. I groaned, and forced myself to stand up.
"Come on, we have to go. Besides I want to get your punishment over with." I grinned as he stood.
"Oh, I'm going to regret this." He sighed, but looped his arms through my arm, and walked back to the manor.

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