Chapter 3- Marinette

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Upon reaching Bruce's office, we stopped outside. I gave a hesitant knock, before entering. Bruce was still the same, brooding guy he was when I left. I stayed quiet just observing, till I was tackled from the side.
"Nettie!!! Your back!!!"
I looked up and saw Tim.
"Hey Tim."
He got off me, but I could tell he was struggling with the lack of sleep. The bags under his eyes weren't enough evidence. I stood up and gave him a proper hug.
"How's it been. For one, I know you haven't been sleeping." I stayed while placing a hand on my hip.
He started pacing, as if he stopped he would fall asleep.
"You know, cases. It's not hard to figure it out when you stay up all night and drink twelve cups of coffee." I saw his hand start shaking. I shook my head and dragged him to the couch. Tim struggling the whole way. I shoved him down and glared at him.
"Sleep" I commanded.
"No...I can't.....I......have to-"
"And he's out."

I turned back to Bruce and saw him smirking.
"Good to see you again Marinette. How are you." He said as he hugged me.
"It's going good." I felt Damian freeze behind me. "I emancipated myself last week, so I no long have to live in Paris. And I graduated early."
"What?!?!?" Damian exclaimed
I flinched slightly "yeah, surprise." I gave my boyfriend small jazz hands. I heard Bruce chuckle at my antics before clapping me on the back.
"You were always really smart for your age."
"I can't help it. When your me, it comes naturally." I giggled and reached for Damians hand. He grabbed it immediately, just to reassure me that I was ok. Bruce just looked at us like nothing has changed. And to tell you the truth, it hasn't. We were still close as the day he walked into the cafe. We talked then a woman with dark red hair, and green eyes walked in. With a small child in her arms. I froze. She looked around Dicks age. I turned to Damian.
"Is that?"
He nodded "That is Kor'i Grayson-Wayne. Dicks wife."
I froze again. I slowly got up and walked over.
"Here let me help."
I watched her look at Bruce before handing the child over. I walked over to a chair over by a wall and sat down. The girl was looking around and giggling like a school girl. I smiled down at her, before I made a face and she froze, watching before she tried to mimic me.
"Monkey see, monkey do." I giggled
She just giggled and giggled. I chuckled as she kept laughing. I looked over to Kor'i and smiled.
"Hi, I'm Marinette. Sorry about just stealing the baby, but this is new to me. I didn't even know Dick married." I sighed at the last part.
Everyone looked confused at my last statement.
"What do you mean?" Bruce asked
"Umm.... lets just say my adopted parents weren't that nice. Very.....strict."
Don't let them see your pain. Put a smile on and move on. That has been my mantra for the past three years. I saw Damian give me a look, and frowned at him.
"We sent you an invitation."
I froze again. I remember going down and they were placing a white card with silver string in the fireplace. I got an extra beating that night.
"They....probably burned it. I was rarely let out of the house."
Everyone looked at me with pity and worry. Thank god I am out of there for good. I turned back to the baby and smiled at her.
"What's her name?"
"Who named her?"
"Dick said she was a friend of his, before she was adopted."
I chuckled. I locked eyes with Damian who smirked.
"What, you didn't think we would forget about you, did you? If anything, you got tackled to the ground by Dick." He laughed
"I don't know. I still talked to you, but I didn't really talk to everyone else as often." I set the child down on the ground, but she grabbed my leg and began to climb them. I was about to say something when my phone started to ring. Jagged.
"I have to take this."
I hit the accept button and put it up to my ear.
"Marinette, my favorite niece!!! I heard your in Gotham and I was wondering if you could stop by the stadium, I'm having a bit of a wardrobe malfunction."
I sighed "how bad?"
"Penny is yelling at the stage crew and she won't calm down long enough to think logically. I knew you would pull through. So will you help your uncle out?"
"Tell Penny to quit stressing and to have some tea. She pregnant for gods sake, the stress is not good for her. You should know that Jagged. Your lucky I have three outfits ready for you at my hotel. Have someone meet me there. I'll be there soon."
I hung up and turned to the Wayne family.
"Sorry to cut this short, but I have to go." I grabbed a water from the fridge and kissed Damian on the cheek.
"I will see you all tomorrow."
I rushed out before anyone could say anything. I ran out of the building with a quick goodbye to Gale. I wasn't too far from my hotel, so I made it just in time to see Jagged's car pull up. Rushing to my room. I grabbed the leather Jacket that had a purple strip down the arm, and gold buttons. The undershirt was black that said Rock N' Roll on it in white. And the pants were skin tight black leather. I threw them in a bag and rushed down the stairs. I jumped onto the car and we were off.

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