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Ivy and Harley first met Marinette when she was five years old. They were just about to rob this bank, when they heard crying. Down an allyway, they found a girl covered in bruises, and blood coming out of a cut on her arms. She was curled up so tight, she looked like another trash bag. Harley slowly put down her bat and walked over to the poor thing.
"Hey, what are you doing out here all alone?"
The girl jumped up and took several steps backwards. She was shaking from head to toe.
"W-What do y-you want?"
Ivy and Harley shared a look before they sat on the ground and gave the girl a smile.
"We are here to help you. Now come over and sit down." Ivy said with a small smile.
The girl took troubling steps forward, hands still shaking as she sat down.
"Are you going to take me back to my parents?" Her voice was so broken.
"No, you can come with us." Harley declared, as she stood and walked over to the little girl. "What's your name sweetheart?"
"Well, Marinette, lets get you ho-"
Harley was interupted by a thud behind her. Groaning she turned around, to see the very tall, very broad man, in all black standing behind her.
"Bats, this is getting really annoying." Ivy stated
"Well, stop trying to commit felonies."
Harley tilted her head back and bit back a scream. "Can't a girl plan on robbing a bank, then decide to help a crying girl instead?!"
Batman just stared at the two woman, before turning his attention to the shaking girl behind them.
"Who is she?" He asked
They shrugged.
"Don't know. Found her crying and looking like this when we got here. Looks like she has a rough home life. Well, we're taking her with us. So you can go and watch the rest of the city but leave her to us." Harley stayed plainly.
Batman stared at the three before sighing and nodding. "Alright, but don't do anything reckless without me."
Ivy and Harley shared a look before sighing and nodding. Harley walked over and picked Marinette up. Marinette desperately clung to Harleys neck, tears streamed down her face.
"Don't worry sugar, we're going to give you a new home."
Harley felt a small nod against her shoulder. Harley shared a worried look with Ivy before threading back to their house.

~~~~~~~Time Skip 8 Years~~~~~~~

Marinette took awhile to trust Harley and Ivy, but they grew very close. Since Marinette came into their lives, they stopped committing crimes. Marinette met all of their friends, such as the Riddler, Bane, The Penguin and Dr. Strange, and was warned not to go anywhere near the Joker. When Marinette started working at a small cafe on Gotham Main, she met a boy with raven colored hair, and emerald green eyes. He walked in and then froze, as if he was looking at...and angel.

Damian didn't know why he froze, he just did. There standing at the counter was a woman who looked a year younger than we was, with a smile on her face that was as real as the sun. He slowly walked over to the counter, unsure how he wanted to approach her. He pulled out his wallet and looked at the menu.
"Hello sir, what can I do for you today?"
Damian looked at the bluenette, and was shocked. Her eyes were the deepest blue.
"Hello, can I have the ladybug special."
She looked up in....shock? Why is that?
"Sir are you sure? It's a new product on the menu, you look more like a person that goes for a black coffee."
He stood there shocked. "I'm sure."
She pushed a few buttons on the computer then turned back to him. "Name?"
She smiled at him. While he waited for his coffee, he saw a bandage around her arm. He casually started making small talk.
"So why are you working here?" He asked.... 'Smooth' he thought
"Well, my aunts said that I should get some money, so I could buy fabric for some of my designs."
Designer. "So... would you like to get dinner tonight?"
She blushed "Like a date?"
Damian nodded. "You can always say no, you just seem like a nice person so I want to get to know you more."
The blush only deepening. "I-I would like that."
Someone handed her a cup full of a coffee that had a ladybug on it. She wrote something on the cup before handing it to Damian. He took it and gave the girl one final smile before sitting down at a booth in the back. A few minutes later Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy walked in. Damian waited patiently, just observing what was going on. He saw the girl that he was going on a date with rush from around the counter and tackle them into a hug. He saw her smile brighten as they talked. Then he heard Harley and Ivy squeal with....excitement? They looked around before their eyes landed on him. He looked out the window, he didn't want a confrontation. he met them as Robin a few nights ago. Batman kept asking about the girl they rescued. He turned back in time to see the girls face darken. Ivy pulled out a paper and handed it to her. The girl scowled at it and crumpled the paper. She threw it in a nearby trashcan. She hugged the two before going around the counter to continue her shift. Damian finished his coffee and went home, to prepare for his date.

~~~~~~Time Skip 2 years later~~~~~

It's been two years since Marinette and Damian started dating. He met Harley and Ivy outside of the mask, and he discovered that they were really nice. Mari said she learned to cook and sew on her own, but when he asked about her mother, she shut down and walked off. When Damian asked Harley and Ivy about it, they said it was before they found her at the age of five. But everything was going down hill fast. Ivy and Harley sat down one day with Damian and Marinette and told her that she was being adopted by a couple from Paris. Marinette frowned and walked off.

Damian followed Marinette to the Wayne gardens and found her crouched by the rose bush. He knelt down beside her and pulled her into a hug, kissing her brow.
"Talk to me Angel." He whispered
She sniffed before she spoke. "I'm not really good with parental figures. You know it took awhile to get use to Bruce. The reason why I live with Harley and Ivy is cause they found me in an alley, after my parents....beat me, then kicked me out. I don't want to leave them. Because I don't know if they will be like my parents or different. Harley and Ivy are my family.... Your my family. And I can't lose you."
Damian kissed her forehead then her lips.
"You won't lose me. Your stuck with me. Even if your across the ocean." He kissed her again, and held her close.
"I love you Dove."
"And I you, Angel."

~~~Time Skip three days~~~~~

Marinette landed in the Paris airport. Her adoptive parents grabbed her arms and dragged her to their car. Mari frowned and was unsure of how to react to that. But when she got to her new home, they slapped her and kicked her. Memories of being beaten when she was younger revealing themselves once again. After being thrown into her room she painfully pulled on her shirt and crawled onto the mattress that was on the floor.
This was going to be a long and painful life.

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