Chapter 2 - Make the Date

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I woke up late in the afternoon, unsure of where I was at first until I heard a light snore from behind me. Looking to my side, at first I was shocked to see Paul there until I remembered the night we spent together.

It felt like a magical fairytale, and I wanted it to be that, but I told myself it was just a one night stand and I was foolish to think anything else. It was back to the usual, responsible and mature me. He thought I was a pretty girl and that was all.

I got up and dressed myself, I took one last look at Paul. The thought that I got to spend time with him felt nice and it made me smile a bit. I decided I'd leave without a word or without saying goodbye. It'd spare us the awkwardness of no second date.

When I got home, I quickly showered, cleaning the smell of sex off from me. It was nearly 3 and I had things to do. Thank god I woke up when I did, and thank god I had chosen to take this day off from work, otherwise I'd be in quite a bit of trouble right now.

Getting into my car, I drove off, ready to pretend that it wasn't a big deal and was prepared to not speak a word about it to another. I assumed he would do the same which is why I was so okay to do it, even though I knew deep down I wished we could become more.

I pulled up at my location and waited outside. The bell rang and out came all the kids, excited that the day had ended. Katrina came out of her class with a smile on her face, running up to me.

"Hi Mummy," Kate said.

I smiled and held her hand, walking her to the car. "How was school today?"

Yes, I had a young daughter named Katrina, but we called her Kate for short. She was turning 6 soon and had been without a father since she was 2. I really wished that I could bring her home to a dad, but that was all lost 4 years ago.

She looked just like him too, which could sometimes be both a blessing and a curse. Sometimes she would give me these faces and they were like the exact ones her father would make. It hurt to think about, but I learned to embrace this, and either way, I'd still love her without a doubt.

"Mummmmm, are you even listening?" Kate asked in her sassy voice she had picked up out of nowhere. She had an attitude in the cutest way possible.

"Yes, honey of course. Tell me more about your drawing," I said, grabbing the keys out of my purse.

She talked all about her day to me as we got in the car and started driving home. Kate really loved school, she was so enthusiastic about going there everyday. My little girl was always one that was up for a challenge, which is why I think she liked school, just like her dad...

Kate was also a very big fan of David Bowie, so when they decided to pull a throwback and play Heroes on the radio, I wasn't surprised to hear her squeal, forget about her story and start singing instead. When she was little I would play his albums every now and then, and they seemed to hook her much more than I thought they would.

"Hey mum, can I ask something?" Kate asked.

Uh oh.

Whenever she phrased it exactly like that, I knew what she was gonna ask about.

Her father.

"Go ahead," I said, hoping it wouldn't hurt me to bad.

"Did Daddy listen to David Bowie?" Kate asked.

I decided to smile at this and look back at it with happiness. It reminded me of this night when Young Americans was playing on his little transistor radio. I can still remember him carrying that red radio everywhere. He brought it on our first date back when we were 15.

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