Chapter 1 - Midnight

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Midnight grocery shopping was quite interesting, I must admit. You don't get to see a shop so empty very often, nor is it usually so quiet. Normally you'll hear mothers gossiping or young kids cracking jokes as they looked for candy, but right now, all you would hear is the occasional opening of a cash register and a polite exchange to go along with it.

I looked up at the shelf, seeing exactly what I needed, however, my short stature didn't let me reach it. If I tried to get it, it would just fall and possibly cause a little crash if it knocked something else. Yeah, don't need that at midnight.

"You need some help there love?" a man an accent asked.

"Oh yes please, I just need the biscuits up there, the chocolate ones. It's my guilty pleasure unfortunately," I sighed, managing to score a chuckle from him.

"Oh that's alright, they're mine too," he said. He passed them too me. "Here ya go, m'lady."

"Thank you so much, I was worried I would dro-" I froze when I saw who it was that was assisting me.

He was handsome as ever, standing there with a gorgeous smile on his face. Those eyes had me mesmerised, he was so much better looking in real life. My jaw was nearly dropping from seeing him right there.

I must of made quite the face, because all he did was chuckle before putting his hand out. "Don't worry, I'm happy to have helped. My name's Paul," he introduced himself.

I put my hand in his, thinking he was going for a handshake, but instead he kissed the back of my hand like I was some princess. Admittedly, I sure felt like one in his presence. He was truly like some Prince Charming.

"Y-Y-You're Paul... you're Paul M-McCartney!" I stuttered, feeling my ears go hot and my cheeks turn red from sounding like such a fool. The nerves were really screwing me over here. "I-I uh, I'm sorry, I'm a bit star struck, but like, you're the Paul!"

"Yeah, I hope I'm him, otherwise I've been living a lie for the past 40 years," Paul said, with a smile as charismatic as ever. "Well we know who I am, what's your name, love?"

I took a breath, regaining my composure before smiling calmly at him. "I'm Francis Antonelli... oh well my name is Francesca, but everyone calls me Francis. Just never Fran, please never call me Fran, and Chesca is just for close people, only my brother really uses it- I'm sorry I'm rambling on and all you asked was my name."

"It's quite alright, dear. You're adorable anyway," Paul said, making me go red again. I found myself smiling like a giddy idiot. "What're you doing here at midnight anyway?"

I shrugged. "I just needed to grab some things and thought it'd be interesting to go here so late. What in the world are you doing here? Don't you live in England or something?" I asked.

I loved down here, in Australia in the state of Victoria. It was certainly strange to see a celebrity here, even if we were around the city area. People never come down here, and if they did, it was always to some other state.

"Well, I needed something new, some place to run off to for a while to think things through. Plus, I find myself quite inspired when I'm down here. It's a hell of a long time, I'll be spending about 4 months here," Paul said. He looked at me shyly, his chin tucking in slightly as a small grin came to his lips. "Has anyone told you how beautiful you are?"

At this point I wasn't sure whether or not he was doing this just because he liked seeing me all flushed and embarrassed. I wasn't sure how to take such compliments from someone like him, a man who was incredibly successful and famous.

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