Chapter Three

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"Cracked hip, three slipped discs, ruptured spleen, hairline fracture in cheekbone, third-degree burns on neck, shattered radius and ulna, broken humerus, and snapped tendons in one knee," I rattled off, reading from the hologram projected from my wrist's beads. I was aboard a ship, a Wakandan ship to be precise and was curious as to the extent of my injuries, considering I had just had a building dropped on me.

"Don't forget the concussion," Okoye said from the front of the ship. I rolled my eyes. It had been only an hour and I was already giving her attitude.

"Oh, yeah, better not forget that," I said sarcastically from the seat at the side. Based on my pain levels, my ruptured spleen, slipped discs, burns and tendons were on the way to being fully healed. The bones, however, would take longer. I shouldn't be able to walk on a cracked hip, but being me, I did it anyway.

"Tell me again, why we are not going home yet?" I said, absent-mindedly picking at my jeans with my free hand. My right arm, the one on the cast, throbbed continuously, a feeling I hadn't gotten used to yet. My face was, also, covered in bruises and I probably looked horrible.

"We are going to get Nakia," Okoye said with a cheeky grin. I lounged on the seat and threw a raised eyebrow at T'Challa around the corner.

"Nakia, huh? Bringing the ex back home to meet the crazy sister, are we?" I joked. I heard him huff.

"It is not like that. I wish for her to be there for my crowning," he replied, sighing.

"Oh, I'm sure that's the only reason," I winked at Okoye, who shushed me, but her smile shone through. T'Challa may have been resident Cool Guy anywhere else in the world but here, all he got was continuous roasting in Wakanda.

In my pocket was a picture of Steve. He had slipped it in there just before I boarded the ship. Actually, it was a picture of the both of us, a selfie I knew had been in a frame on his bedside table, along with a picture of Peggy, and a group picture of all the Avengers.

"Just in case you forget what I look like," he had joked. I had kissed him.

"I could never forget," I had whispered back.

I pulled it out now, only an hour after we had parted and already I felt a deep ache, a hollow in me where he should have been.

"Don't tell me, you are pining after somebody too?" Okoye said, startling me by standing so close. I looked down at the picture, smiling.

"You already know the answer to that one, Okoye," I replied. I slipped the picture away. "But what about you? Before I left there was a rumour about you and...?" I trailed off, eyebrow raised. Okoye didn't blush or show any sign of embarrassment. She smiled slightly.

"It has been a long time since you were here, Khethiwe. But I will answer you truthfully. W'Kabi and I, we are, more than friends," she said firmly. I broke into a grin.

"That is so adorable. Honestly, I always shipped you two, like hard out," I threw one hand out in the air. T'Challa poked his head around the corner.

"What is this 'shipping' thing? Shuri is always saying it but it makes no sense to me." He shook his head when I laughed.

"I'll explain when you're older," I replied, and he frowned, turning away.

"You have gotten cheekier. You and Shuri are so much alike," Okoye said fondly. She brushed my face with her hand and returned to the control panel, her dark eyes searching.

Around the corner, T'Challa was watching the news. I listened intently.

"The tiny nation of Wakanda is mourning the death of its monarch, King T'Chaka. The beloved ruler was one of many confirmed dead after the terrorist attack at the United Nations a week ago. The suspect has since been apprehended. Though it remains one of the poorest countries in the world, fortified by mountain ranges and an impenetrable rainforest, Wakanda does not engage in international trade, or accept aid. The succession of the throne is expected to fall to the eldest of the king's three children, Prince T'Challa. Speaking of his children, the UN and CIA released an official statement this morning confirming the identity of the former Avenger known as Toxin to be the second eldest of King T'Chaka's children, adopted daughter Princess Khethiwe. The whereabouts of the princess are currently unknown, but the CIA are warning the public she is dangerous, and unstable. If you see anything that may be-"

The broadcast was cut off by Okoye, who was staring at my trembling hands. T'Challa looked down, guilty.

"My Prince, coming up on them now," she said, turning back to the control panel. T'Challa stood up from his chair and joined her. He cast a worried glance at me. Okoye grabbed her spear, the weapon of the mighty Dora Milaje.

"No need Okoye. I can handle this alone," he said, gesturing for her to put her spear down. Reluctantly, she obeyed.

"Hmm," she mumbled.

"I will get Nakia out as quickly as possible," he said, giving himself a once over, making sure he looked good enough to greet his former lover.

"Just don't freeze when you see her," Okoye warned.

"What are you talking about? I never freeze," T'Challa said, slipping on his helmet and securing it in place. Within seconds, he was gone, sliding into the darkness of the jungle.

I tossed Okoye a frank look.

"He always freezes," I said, and she smiled.

"You are right, my Princess," she gripped her spear, her mouth set firmly. "Make sure you stay here."

I sighed, and when the thuds started I watched it unfold on the screen, and when Okoye hopped out of the ship to help my useless brother, I sunk lower into the seat and closed my eyes.

The ship door opened, and in strode Okoye, strong and vibrant. I never got tired of seeing her walk, her strength, the beauty she held.

Then came my brother, helmet in hand, his face lined with sorrow and hardship. I imagined mine looked similar.

And then there was Nakia. I had always loved her. She was always kind to me and I had hated it when she and T'Challa broke up and she left. Her eyes lit up when she saw me, and they narrowed at the state of me. She slid next to me, taking my good hand in hers.

"You have returned, my Princess," she breathed, eyes raking over me.

"You know you don't have to call me that," I replied, her warm skin a balm against my bloodless hand. She shook her head.

"What happened to you?" she muttered, taking in all my injuries, all my pain. I sighed.

"War, Nakia. Love and war."

Author's Note

Sorrrrrry for the late update, I've just had my first two weeks of uni and its been stressful yall, but I'm back this week. Please let me know your thoughts and anything you want to see or think you might see in the next few chapters :)


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