She walked off of the stage, blushing at the amount of applause her little performance had garnered and made her way over to where Camila was sitting. "So, Camz. Was that good enough?"

Camila nodded. "You were amazing, Lauren. Really. Why in the world would you hide that voice?"

Lauren smiled sweetly at Camila as she dropped into her seat. "Please, like I'm anywhere near as good as you. You should get up there and give it a try."

"After me!" Dinah said.

"What are you going to sing?" Normani asked.

"You'll see," Dinah replied with a saucy wink before she turned and sauntered up onto the stage.

"Excuse me, are you Lauren Jauregui?" A woman asked as she shyly approached their table.

Lauren rolled her eyes at Normani who was chuckling behind her drink across the table. "I am," Lauren said with a polite smile as she turned toward the woman.

"And you're Camila Cabello," The woman gushed as she looked at the Broadway star.

Camila nodded and smiled. "Yes."

"You two are so cute," The woman said quickly. "Those pictures online don't do you justice. Anyways, I was just wondering if I could have your autograph and maybe get a picture with you both?"

"Of course," Lauren answered genially. Now that she and Camila were becoming tabloid fodder, she knew better than to play the bitch and give anyone a reason to go to the press with a negative story about her. Usually, she was able to come and sing and cut loose with Normani and Dinah without being noticed, but it looked like the recent online coverage of her and Camila was going to make that an impossibility this evening. "Who do I make it out to?"


"Alright," Lauren said as she scribbled a generic 'To Tiffany – Reach for the stars. Lauren Jauregui' on the paper the woman handed her before sliding it over to Camila who smiled at Lauren's inscription before adding her own little note and signature to the paper and handing it back to her.

Up on stage, Dinah approached the microphone with a large grin on her face and she pointed Dinah as she mouthed, 'this one's for you'.

"Oh my God," Normani muttered as Lauren and Camila laughed.

"Mani, take a pic real fast so we can watch Dinah sing?" Lauren asked as she handed Normani Tiffany's camera.

Normani smiled and took a couple of quick pictures before handing the camera back to the woman who practically skipped back to her own table. "How many more of those before you call it a night, Laur?" she asked, knowing how much the woman really didn't enjoy the extra attention when she went out.

Lauren shrugged, knowing that there was really no way to predict how the crowd would respond now that her identity was known. One of the perks of coming to places like Howl was that most people in Malibu had money, more money than she did, really, so while an occasional fan or two might seek out an autograph, most of the people just smiled and nodded, and were happy with that slight recognition that they could brag to their friends about later. "We'll see. Normally everybody here is pretty good about leaving me alone – so hopefully she's the only one tonight."

"You do realize that if either of you gets up to sing now that they all know who you are, that it'll end up on YouTube or something."

The stars nodded as Dinah began dancing to the beat that the band was playing. It was familiar enough that they all thought they recognized it, but there was something different enough that they couldn't place it.

Serendipity // CamrenWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt