"I'll show you our room, you can un-pack and then settle down, tomorrow, you meet the pack" she rolled her eyes "Yeah whatever, I get it, I meet the pups tomorrow" I nodded and showed her to the our room. It was biggest place in the whole house and contained a king size bed, two chests of drawers (one was there before I left for my honey-moon the other was put there for Rosemarie), two wardrobes, a flat screen television up on the wall and two windows that lead to beautiful balconies with the best view in the house. Rosemarie un-packed and went onto the balcony her eyes wide in awe. The sky was painted in pastels and seemed to captivate her, I'd sat there many a time and watched the sun set.

She grabbed her phone out and took a photo of the scenery before her. Seeming satisified by her photography skills she put her phone away. "What's mine is yours, your welcome to go anywhere in the house except the west wing" I warned her although I don't think she caught my tone "What's in the west wing?" she asked, her eyes still on the sun. "Nothing. Just stay where your allowed and we won't have any problems. Understood?" she nodded her head. "Understood" she never let her eyes drift from that sun, so accepting her silence as a new and pleasant change, I left her alone.

~Rosemarie's point of view~

After I heard the door click in place and his departing footsteps I got changed into a pair of black, distressed jeans and a pink blouse. I slipped on a pair of pink converse and my plan was in action. Whilst I'd been stood on that balcony a moment ago I was planning my escape from this asylum. My plan was simple and easy to complete. I grabbed my black and white criminal damage hoodie and put my hood up, this concealed my face some what. I just hoped my plan would work. I glanced around at the ground below the balcony, all was clear. I gripped the marble railing, between me and freedom. I took a deep, un-neccassary breath before flipping myself over in a gymnast worthy style, although no human gymnast could've just done what I did and landed in a crouch on the ground, standing up and rubbing off any dirt I began to walk. That was until I heard the growls behind me and I began to run. "Hey! You! Stop right now!" the voice held authority and I knew I was screwed. The wolves that had been in my pursuit caught me up before I could leave their pack territory. They pinned me and waited for their leader to come. "What do we do with her?" a brown haired man asked, the wolves had now returned to their human forms. "Take her to alpha, he'll be the one to choose her punishment for tresspassing" I hissed at one, who grabbed my hands, restraining me futher and threw me into the alpha's office. I really was screwed. Damn!

~Bennett's point of view~

After leaving Rosemarie in my bedroom I went downstairs, greeted several passing pack members and went to my office. I'd just settled down and done about three pieces of pack paperwork when my beta, head scout and warriors piled into my office. Followed by a female in a hoodie that I knew all to well. "We've captured a tresspasser alpha, what do you wish for us to do with her?" My beta asked. "Well you utter morons, first of all I wouldn't like you to anything-" I walked round my desk and towards them "Second of all, your 'tresspasser' is none other than Rosemarie Martin" I pulled down her hood "and third of all meet your new Luna" gasps of shock and surprise filled the room. Rosemarie punched the scout holding her so he released her, I offered her my hand which she took, I helped her get up and she scrambled to my side. "Would you punish these delinquents? They just wrecked my converse! I was only going for a run around the grounds when these idiots grabbed me!" I chuckled. "Haha these idiots my dear wife are my beta, head scout and warriors" they bowed their heads to Rosemarie in respect god knows why, couldn't they sense she was a vampire?

"Nice to meet y'all" she said before turning back to me, raising a finely plucked eye brow she said "Well?" I repeated her word "Well?" she stomped her foot like a child who'd been refused candy "They tackled me to the ground, do something!" they chuckled. "Sorry Luna" said my beta Jeremy. "I meant no harm, it's just alpha didn't tell us he had a new mate coming home today" she laughed "Well he should've" she scowled at me "Apologise" she warned "I'm sorry darling, my wolves acted on instinct, I'm sure they are all very sorry" my eyes turned on them as they stuttered out their apologies, she accepted them before going back upstairs to sleep.

I sat back down, only releasing now that Jeremy had stayed when the others had left. "Yes?" I asked him, an eye brow raised. "She's hot" he stated. I laughed. "She's dead" Jeremy frowned "What?" he asked. "But... she... can't be... are you sure?" he asked, struggling to come to terms with it. "Deadly" he paled some what "Vampires became hot? Wait your mate is a vampire? Ha, i'm glad I didn't represent the werewolf council then" I scowled at him "I'm going" he said "smart choice" I said as he clambered out of my office, I was sending daggers into his back with my eyes as he left.

So it wasn't just me who thought Rose was hot? Good.


(A/N) well this is chapter five, hope you like. Tell me what you guys think, should Rose be with Bennett or Dimitri? Hope you enjoy reading, please fan, vote and comment.

The song for this chapter is today was a fairytale by Taylor Swift: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtube_gdata_player&v=GVM6OWuCbBg


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